If you are looking for new projectors, I recomend www.newegg.com They are about as cheap as you'll find, even comparable to ebay. If you need sales and installation, please send me a private message.
I've seen them at the NC surplus store in raleigh in the past. I haven't been in lately - but you may want to take a look there. http://www.ncstatesurplus.com
i JUST BOUGHT A PROJECTOR... THERE'S A GUY ON CRAIGsLIST SELlING THEM NEW....1500 LUMENS i THINk...THAT WASN'T eNOUGH FOR ME. iF YOU GO TO CRAIGSlIST ....electronics....and type projector in the search it'll come up. Excuse the caps thing.
In the past, I've had customers opt to buy a new projector just because the bulb price is so high. Just a month or so ago, we had one go out at church and the bulb was about 100 bucks less than a new projector. Hey you gotta get a lift in there to change the bulb, might as well simply hang a new projector while you're at it.
Rich, not to mention you at least have a projector under warranty. It's almost like buying a 24 dollar printer/scanner/fax machine and finding that the cartridges cost 22 each to replace. I have to admit that my first mental picture was of an opaque projector, the old type of projector that a teacher used to project the page of a book onto a screen. (apologies for dating myself technologically.
Dang, Hat, I guess great minds think alike, except I was thinking the projector that uses tranparencies, not the much rarer and more expensive opague projector. She said cheap, and I just assumed....
Agreed. I believe the problem is the thread title "Overhead Projector ". Google this and see what you get. The old "cheap" projectors. I knew this was out of my realm of discussion when someone said the bulb cost more than $400. Dang. No wonder the economy is in a tank. A $400. bulb?
Maybe that's the DOD price. Hey, they paid 600 bucks for a hammer. Wonder if that contract is coming up for rebidding any time soon. I've got a couple of hammers in the shed that don't get much use.. Guys, teachers till use the transparency machines. When my DW teacher needed an opaque projector, we had to buy one out of pocket, as the school system didn't have one.
Shopping results for projector bulbs Sony LCD projector lamp$219 to $650 - 1042 storesEpson Projector lamp$177 to $529 - 4026 storesInFocus Projector lamp$199 to $579 - 2987 stores And I would be cautious about the cheap bulbs.
ha, ha!!! I thought the same thing!! My teachers used those projectors when I was back in school!!:lol: