Is there a place to download the Parade of Homes? It's not for me, it's for a relative who is interested in seeing the homes. Thanks, Spunky
In the past, you could go to the Johnston County HBA website to get all the info. Unfortunately, from what I can tell, their website is not up and running yet. They have been trying to get it updated before the parade, and changed their website, the new one is on the front of the parade books as, but I just tried pulling it up and get nothing. I was told it was supposed to be up this week. You can always stop into a parade house and pick up a book, it has them all mapped out in it. You can PM me if you'd like...
I saw the address in a TV ad this morning. I can't remember what it was back shortly.
isn't that what I said??? that's odd, when I type it in google, it doesn't come up. but if I click on the link, it does.
:jester: Aaahh...I see! the nc/nc run together, it tricked me!!! That explains it! no offense taken. (I thought it was johnston County hba, not johnston North Carolina hba)
That's funny, I've been needing it too, for about a month now, been waiting patiently...glad they got it up in time for the parade this weekend.
Amen on the website, BTW it looks great! I have books if anyone needs one for the parade of homes. I can mail them if you would like.