Anyone dealt with it before? My foster was just diagnosed last night, and I am treating it at home. (well you dont treat it, but I am providing supportive therapy.) Just curious what others had to say about it.... tips, suggestions?
I took in a stray puppy several years ago that had Parvo. I took him to Dr. Bagley at Clayton Animal Hospital and he worked miracles for the little guy. I remember Dr. Bagley being very aggressive with hydrating the puppy. He would put so much fluid into him (subcu) that it looked like he was a little camel instead of a dog. I kept him at home and would take him for his fluid every day and it really seemed to help him a lot. He lived! It's been so many years now that I can't remember much else but maybe, since you're doing this for a foster, you could call Dr. B and just ask for some advice. BEST WISHES!!!!!
He looks so pitiful, vomiting diarrhea etc... I hear what you are saying about the fluids. They want me to give him a WHOLE IV bag in the course of a day. A bag usually lasts me 6 months with kittens and they sent me with 5 bags last night! He is on anti vomiting, appetite stimulants, tamiflu, baytril etc... so he feels terrible and I am constantly shoving pills down his throat. But he is a beautiful Golden Retriever, if he lives he will make a wonderful addition. (hint hint anyone out there??)
He is a young adult... I am guessing 1 1/2? It is my first adult with Parvo, it usually hits our puppies. I am hoping since he is so big (50 pounds?) he will be stronger and can handle it.
All I've heard is fluids, fluids, fluids to keep them hydrated. You're right, maybe since he's an adult and stronger, he'll pull thru easier!! Good luck, we'll be thinking of y'all!!!!
I have seen more than one young adult make it through parvo. Nothing like fluids. I think your odds are good. Wish you lots of luck.
How's the dog doing? One of our puppies went through parvo a few months back. He lost a bunch of weight. He stayed at the vet for a week and pulled through nicely. It didn't take him long to beef back up too. Good Luck it's a awful thing for a dog to go through.
He is doing great!! We tried fluids at home for 8 days but he still was horrible. On Sat am we rushed him to the hospital and they kept him till Monday am... he is now much better! Thanks for asking!!
:-D:-D:-D So happy for your little one, i remember years ago a diagnosis of parvo was a death sentence - it is so heartwarming what is possible now.
When I first started working with animals, we would euthanize the whole litter if one tested positive... then we went to only euthanizing the one with symptoms, and then watch the others... now we can offer supportive care until it passes. It is nasty and he was so pitiful, but I took him for walk yesterday and he wanted to chase I cat!!! I was so happy!!
That's wonderful news!!! I'm so glad that Parvo no longer means 'immediate death' for some puppies (and dogs!). I hope the pup continues to improve and finds a terrific home!!!
Yes, they can pull through now, but unfortunately, treatment still comes with a hefty price tag. I spent over $500 on the stray Parvo puppy I took in, only to turn around and give him to someone a few weeks later. Saving a sweet puppy's life... priceless. :-D
I hear you Ready!! We did that with a kitten. We found a kitten with a broken leg. We had it set and fixed etc... the first appointment alone was $250. Then we gave kitty away, hopefully to a good home. I was hoping they would offer to donate a bit to the vet bill, but no luck! I now have squirrels!!! They are so easy, I think I will give up kittens and stick to squirrels, you don't even have to find homes for them!!
Hey, my Dad's cat had gotten a sweet baby squirrel last spring when I was over one day. I took him to a woman in Raleigh who does squirrel rehab. I had no idea how to take care of him (he was SO cute!) Will you teach me? I'd love to be able to rehabilitate them... and I'm actually NOT allergic to them! :mrgreen:
Call me! I took a class at the vet school and I am going towards my certification, but have to work 'under' someone first. It is soooo easy. The hardest part is NOT making pets out of them. No real snuggling or talking, just feeding and such. (Very hard for me, I want to goo-goo at them!!) I will also be doing rabbits and possums??? (ewww) But I want to work up to the larger animals, since we get in deer at the shelter....
Awww, I think baby possums are cute. When I worked at the museum of natural science, they had a little one that they used to teach kids about them. Her name was Rosie. I don't know what they did with her when she grew up, but she was a cute baby (even with all those teeth.) I'll call you soon... :-D