Why are pecans so expensive this year? I am betting someone is gouging because of the peanut shortage. Pecans and peanuts are not the same product and I have not heard any reason for a pecan shortage. Have the squirrels been hungry this fall? B&B Pecans are $11.50/lb
I don't have to, they are forced upon me in every thread where he posts. I have asked that such a inappropriate image be replaced with something a little more family friendly, but have only been met with mockery
Blame the weather and the Chinese. http://money.cnn.com/2011/11/08/markets/pecan_prices_increase/index.htm
Saw some yesterday on the counter at T.R. Lee's that were $8.00 a pound, up only slightly from last year.
Certainly not even close to the sack that hangs from people's trucks. As least yours could happen in nature. Lot easier to censor the viewing on yours versus riding down the road.
Yes, at least the squirrel bits are covered in fur! But really, you have to look pretty hard to even "get" what they are in that avatar, LOL. I was on here for months before I saw more than just the squirrel. :lol::lol::lol:
He's three. It's not so much teaching him what they are as much as it is trying to stop him from running around in public yelling about them.