Pet Rescue

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Local Lady, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. Local Lady

    Local Lady Well-Known Member

    I know there's probably a link for this but I can't find it & I know it should be under pets but I need help immediately. A Pit mix took up at my house a few days ago & won't leave. He's very nice & in great shape but I'm worried he will hurt my cat as he tried to catch her today. He's become very protective of my kids & myself & scared the crap out of my neighbor today when he came over to check his mail. I've been running a found dog ad but no luck & due to today's events, I've had to shut him in the barn. He really needs to go now!
    Question: Does anyone know of a local rescue group for Pits? I live in Johnston County but its off Hwy 96 with a Zebulon address. Thanks!
  2. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    Try Carolina Care Bullies. Here is their website:

    Try to take some good, attractive pictures of the dog so they can see him (Try to avoid blurry pictures, red eye, bad lighting. You want them to be able to see the dog in question if you want them to consider rescuing him). Good luck! If they can't help,ask them if they may have some information for some other groups that might be able to help.
  3. Local Lady

    Local Lady Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I'll check them out.
  4. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    Also try Ruff Rescue
  5. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Johnston County Animal Protection League.

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