Phone Books - Argggg!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Pwoods, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. Pwoods

    Pwoods Well-Known Member

    Seems like every year I have to opt out of 2 or 3 phone books and they still show up on my driveway. The latest is the Johnston County one put out by Tarheel media Solutions.

    -Outdated business model that barely anyone uses anymore.
    -Advertising rates based on distribution, which is a distribution model that is flawed - everyone gets one, regardless if they subscribe or not so advertisers are not really reaching a target audience.
    -Not only is it a waste of paper, but it is wrapped in plastic.
    -Delivery model is also skewed in that the drivers are often paid by the number of books they deliver, and many get placed at obviously vacant homes and begin to pile up with other newspapers creating an eye sore.

    Good news is they have an opt out page, which I too the liberty of scanning for anyone else to use if they want to.

    P.S. Their website is down as of today, so that is pretty awesome.
  2. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    A few years ago the delivery people dumped a few pickup loads of phone books on one of our farms. The book company had to pay us to haul them off. Money for nothing!!!
  3. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Imagine what the people who advertised in them must think!
  4. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Any business that still advertises in a paper phone book is a looser anyway you look at it. :lol::jester::lol:

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