Phone Lines Out in Matthew's Farm

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sacosta, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    Is anyone else having problems with their phone lines in the Matthew's Farm area?
  2. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Dunno. We got rid of our phone a few months ago and go cell only now.
  3. i just got home and i past about 7 embarq vans and trucks on cleveland school road about 3.5 miles east of where Polenta meets Cleveland school rd
  4. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    It's been out since before 1pm. They say it will be fixed by 1pm tomorrow.
  5. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    Wow...24 hours to fix the problem?! Did the equipment building burn down or something?
  6. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    When we contacted them with the cell, they said someone had cut a major line.

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