Photo book software/websites

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by bandmom, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Has anyone used PhotoBin or My Publisher to create photo books online?
    There's a groupon and a living social discount offer for each and I'm trying to compare to see which one is the better deal - but I'm wondering if one might be easier than the other to actually use. One of them you download the software, the other you don't - so that sounds appealing. One offers a 'scrapbook' option (but not sure that the offer is good towards that) and that might be nice.....decisions, decisions! :confused: I have used Kodak easyshare to create books before - so I sorta know how it works - but with these offers, it would be considerably cheaper than Kodak's current prices.

    I have tons of old photos of my parents, grandparents etc that are all deceased and I've been thinking of trying to put them all into photo books with comments and stuff as keepsakes for me and my siblings, and especially for our kids - so this these deals would def help save some money. With both offers you can buy more than one discount.

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