Piano Lessons?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kdc1970, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I don't know where to start! Any recommendations? Approx cost of lessons? Needs to be in Clayton if at all possible. :allears:

    Thank you!!
  2. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Both of my boys took lessons with Dara Edwards. She has a studio in Riverwood next to the daycare, or she did when they took lessons a few years ago. She is wonderful!!! Very patient, talented, and reasonable (and from Archer Lodge). I don't know what she charges now, but back then she was very reasonable. The number I have is 553-4073 (Riverwood Music Academy). Good luck!! My kids only stopped lessons there because they moved on to trumpet, electric guitar, and drums.
  3. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    this is the one I was going to get the number for ;) Dara is great and you will love her!!!
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Fantastic!! Thank you both! That would work great for us. :cheers:
  5. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    I just saw where JCC is offering piano lessons this summer, but I think it's at the main campus.
  6. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    Neighborhood Academy of Music, right next to DMV off 42 West in Clayton. Lessons run $22.50 per lesson, held on weekly basis. $90 per month. One time reg. fee per year of $25
  7. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    My daughter took lessons from Betsy Bullard (Bullard Music Studio) and loved her. We also felt she did a great job tailoring the lessons to our daughter's individual needs. Her phone number is 359-2582. She also teaches voice lessons. http://www.bullardmusicstudio.com/
  8. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Not sure if all the piano teachers out there have recitals for their students, but I would definitely ask about that. IMO, this gives a student the sense of accomplishment to perform in front of fellow students and other guests. Plus, receiving a trophy is a great motivator. Lessons should run around $20/week.
  9. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Dara does recitals. She did have plaques (awards) for students who hit predefined benchmarks. She is really a great teacher and person. On a side note, I did not enjoy our brief time at Neighborhood Academy (for other instruments). It might have been one teacher we had, in particular, but I will search for an individual to provide lessons in the future. JMHO...I understand others are happy there.
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    All signed up and starting next week. This is his idea BTW, not something we are pressuring him into. Hope he enjoys it.
  11. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Great!! I hope he enjoys it too, but even if he only takes lessons for a short while, it will be a great foundation for any instrument he might try later. I know the piano lessons made learning much easier for my kids, once they moved on to other instruments. If you don't already have a piano, you will probably want to get one. We just moved the one we had back to a relative's house yesterday. We were lucky enough to borrow one for 10 years! :)
  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    That's great! I have no room for a full size piano, unfortunately. We will be buying him a keyboard of some sort this weekend for him to practice on. I'm not investing a ton until I see if this is something he has a either the talent or the interest in pursuing long term. I took lessons for a short while as kid and I agree, it's a good skill to learn, no matter if you are "good" or not. :cheers:
  13. englishbullymom

    englishbullymom Well-Known Member

    I hope he enjoys it KDC!! I can certainly attest to the benefits. I started taking lessons at 6 yrs old and loved it. Continued lessons at Wake Forest and NC School of the Arts until I left that area for college at age 18. I easily picked up clarinet in 6-8 grades, joined concert and marching band in 9th grade. By 10th grade wanted something new and started marching drums:lol: I was the only female quads player in Forsyth County and it was a blast! I've held onto my very first piano my parents bought me and today at 30 yrs old I play for my church during Sunday services. I played in recitals my piano teacher held twice a year and entered numerous concert piano competitions over the years for monetary awards. THey are definitely important to build confidence and grow. I'm sure there is some scientific explanation, but my memorization, testing skills and overall discipline was so high during the years I took music lessons. And if he doesn't like one teacher's style, but is still interested, find a new teacher until one clicks for him. A good relationship with the teacher I think is key to his success. Good luck to you both!
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Heck, I may take lessons too, LOL!!

    I remember a brother and sister at our church growing up who were so talented. On special occasions, they used to play together. One on the piano and one on the huge pipe organ that was in the church. There was never a dry eye or hand that wasn't clapping when they were done. And Presbyterians didn't clap!! They were amazing, the both of them. I lost track, but I know both of them studied music in college and I would imagine they have done well. I may have to look them up since we have FB now. 8)

    What a gift to have that sort of talent. Thank you for posting.

    We have no idea if DS has any natural talent, I guess we shall see. But since he is my son, I highly doubt it, poor kid. I can't carry a tune in a bucket. :lol:
  15. KB2

    KB2 Well-Known Member

    Where did they go for guitar lessons? My 10 year old wants to take guitar lessons.


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