Pizza for Paws

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kangasox, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. kangasox

    kangasox Guest

    I wanted to let everyone know about a great event coming up Thursday. It involves pizza from Papa Johns and Pets - a little something for mostly everyone! Plus, it will help you plan dinner, and maybe even have leftovers for Halloween!

    The Clayton Moms Meetup is a proud sponsor of the Clayton SPCA and we need your help. We are sponsoring a wonderful event with Papa Johns.

    Due to difficult economic times, local shelters are faced with caring for more animals than usual as people are forced to give up their animals. The Clayton SPCA survives on donations from people in our area.

    We need your help! Order a pizza from Papa John's on Thursday, October 30th and 20% of your order will go to help the shelter care for the many animals awaiting adoption. What a win-win!

    Papa John's Pizza:
    Hwy 42E (E) 550-7772
    Hwy 42W (W) 359-9898

    Be sure to mention SPCA fundraiser when you place your order!

    See our site for more information and the coupon to submit with your order:

    Thanks so much!
    Claytons Moms Meetup
  2. kangasox

    kangasox Guest

    Just a reminder that Pizza for Paws is tonight! If you can, help out the Clayton SPCA by ordering some pizza for pickup or delivery! You can still use your coupons, and the SPCA benefits!
  3. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    glad you gave me the phone numbers but which number is which Papa's? Can I just go there and order.
    i want to help the puppies. And kitties too....
  4. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    hey - tried to enlarge yorr coupon to read it and I can not get it clear. I was going to print some extras out.
  5. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    42E would be the one out near Flowers Plantation and the Neuse, Catapillar plant, down that way, Buffalo Rd., Archers Lodge.

    42W is the one on 42 between Guy & Amelia Church Rd., just up from Barber Mill Rd. If you're still up by C3, this should be the one you call.
  6. kangasox

    kangasox Guest

    Yes, those are the locations. Yes, you can have it delivered, or carry out, and any coupons you have at home are eligible too! I'm not sure what's going on with the coupon. If you go to, and click on the coupon in the post, it should come up in a separate window to print, and print about 1/2 page size.

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