Pizza Inn

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by football, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. football

    football Member

    Myself, husband and kids went to the Pizza Inn tonight, the first time in about 6 months. We found that the buffet was full and the waitstaff was much better. We decided to give it one more try since we saw the New Management sign what a difference. I suggest everyone who hears all the bad feedback to try it again. Much improvement. We are going to try it for kids night on Monday.The manager even came to the table to see how the foods was.
  2. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    How much are their buffets? I appreciate a business that puts forth effort to right their wrongs.
  3. football

    football Member

    the price was somewhere around $8.00 for adults and $3.99 for the kids .we are going on Monday for kids night 1.99 for the kids and try it out
  4. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    You don't mean $8/piece?
  5. football

    football Member

    yes $8.00 a person
  6. RacerMan

    RacerMan Guest

    Pizza inn?? Problems??

    I have been to Pizza Inn on several occasions and have found that the customers are some of the rudest people that I've ever seen. There are signs that say "Children under 10 NOT allowed to serve themselves" So what do I see??? Yup, kids serving themselves. Why are parents allowing this??? I also see when a customers or there kids spill items they expect the wait staff to clean it up?? What's up with this??? They don't clean up after them at your house..
    I also see customers (adults & kids) getting there own drinks and the wait staff standing there trying to get YOUR drink that YOUR waiting for..This is there job LET THEM DO IT!!! As far as the cold pizza??? How can it be that way when most of the complaints are that they don't have fresh pizza on the buffet??? So how can pizza be cold if none are there??? I also know Pizza Inn has a request offer, but this to is ridiculous. If everyone walked in the door requested a pizza you'd have 50+ PIZZA'S ON THE BUFFET..
    Some of the complaining people should look at themselves as the problem and not the business. Not just Pizza Inn , but a lot of other businesses. The customer is NOT always right. When I go out to eat and see YOUR child running through the resturant and sticking his/her dirty lil fingers in everything I see it more of a parents lack of parenting.. Makes me want to smack the parent. My kids won't misbehave when were out to eat because 1) it's rude and 2) I'd knock the tar out them.
    I also see that the manager is not very professional with his calling out pizzas like it's some kind of raffle and his rude comments to employee's and customers. This is not good Under new management.

    When we got out to eat as a family and enjoy sitting down to a meal. I don't grab as much food as I can because others have to eat too There will always be more food up in a few minutes and if your in such a darn hurry- go to a fast food joint. You all have jobs and I have been to many places and see employee's faces when they have RUDE customers. (mostly from up north) They wish they too can have a little respect. So maybe you as customers should think about how you would like to be treated at your work. We all have to work, but we don't have to be jerks.

    Just a sick and tired of the way people act person!!
  7. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    Amen, Brother!
  8. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Talk about rude... I think that was uncalled for. I've been here for 10+ years and have seen just as many rude southerners, especially on the roadways and in restaurants as I have northerners (coming from the Boston area myself).

  9. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    I am originally from up north (been here since 1989), and Yankees drive me crazy. I told my wife once (who is from here), that I was at the Food Lion, and was behind this yankee women who was complaining about everything. I told my wife, that I guess I am officially a southerner, as I wanted to tell her
    1.) I 95 goes both ways
    2.) why don't she take her yankee (donkey) back home
    3.) thats not the weay we do it dowen here.
  10. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    Racerman sounds like he is prejudice. In the words of Hank Jr

    There’s no more Yankees and Rebels this time
    But one united people that stand behind
    America can survive
    America will survive
  11. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    AMEN! It's time we stopped this north/south bull and decide that we need to be about a UNITED people. Gosh, if we can't get along with each other here, how can we expect to get along with any other nation? The civil war is over, the country is the UNITED states not the united south or united north. Get over it already.:roll:
  12. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    No!! Your wrong punk!

    Just kidding. I needed to get that out. :mrgreen:
  13. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Hmmmmm somebody needs a hug!! Now go back and make that pizza with love!
  14. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    LMAO...I was thinking the same thing. LOL
  15. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Great minds think alike. Except you is married and all dat..SO you aintz all dat great!:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  16. dink

    dink Guest

    To the Pizza Inn Manager and staff. Thanks so much for such a fabulous environment and meal! I went to eat there with my kids on Family night. The kids and I had such a good time and meal. The kids loved the fact that the pizza was always on the buffet and everytime they wanted a different style pizza the Manager made sure it was out on the table. Since the new Management we always make it a point to go to Family night on Mondays! The kids always say "Let's go to the Pizza Inn and eat." My husband and I are glad to say sure kids that sounds good! I used to try to talk the kids out of it about 5months ago but know since the change in Management we have had nothing but wonderful food, friendly and helping staff, and Management. If you had a bad experience I am sure it is like everywhere else there is always bad experiences but you should always give it another try! It is hard to please everyone but I am sure if you talk to the new Manager he will make it worth your stay! Just enjoy Life and not always try to make everyone elses misserable. Kudos to the new Management!
  17. RacerMan

    RacerMan Guest

    Racerman sounds like he is prejudice??

    LMAO!!! I see that only 1 person agreed with customer behavior!! The rest we're more upset about North and South thing. I was born in the south , but have been all over the world. (thank you Uncle Sam) and never cared about whether I was a Yankee or a Rebel..I'm an American!!!
    It"s what I have observed in most of the places I've lived. People from up North are in a big hurry (for what??) and people in the south are more laid back (So what!!). I have had so many customers tell me that the southern people are so lazy and need to get with the times. Hey!! we didn't ask you to move here so dont come here and try and change it.. Go live in CARY with the rest of the Honda Odessy and Jeep/Hummer owners and keep up with them. I like the laid back life style here in the STICKS!!
    The main reason I posted was what I had read about the terrible food at Pizza Inn and the service. What I was getting at is everyone has there bad days at work and maybe you (NOT NORTH OR SOUTH) should think about that before you walk in the door and start blasting about food or service when you may not had known that they just got hammered with customers before you walked in. That goes for any business. Including yours!! Your going out to get away from what you just recieved at work dont dish back out. End the cycle!!

    Have a Wonderful day tomorrow!!! I will..
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm only going to address the part about "having a bad day or getting hammered with customers". So your saying it's OK to treat the next customer badly? How is that the next customers fault?
  19. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Oh....just cause I did not say anything about customer behavior, doesn't mean that I don't see it. While an establishment is to cater to customers and treat them with respect and kindness, customers need to realize they are not "kings and queens" and should not treat staff like they are beneath them either. Nine times out of ten, staff does NOT get paid enough to take a whole bunch of junk off people. That's just common decency. If you go in a place like you have more money than God and like you are "it", you more than likely deserve less than perfect service.
  20. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Do these people work for pizza inn or something?:lol:

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