Placed in "School Improvement" for 2006-2007

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Federal Legislation Sets Benchmarks for AYP
    Preliminary Results Show One School Identified in Reading

    SMITHFIELD*Preliminary results show that Johnston County Schools has one school, Corinth-Holders School, that has been placed in "School Improvement" for 2006-2007. Federal legislation, entitled No Child Left Behind, dictates that schools funded with federal Title I dollars move into School Improvement if the school does not meet benchmarks in either reading or math for two consecutive years. Corinth-Holders has been identified in the area of reading. The federal legislation requires that every student in a sub-group pass AYP; therefore, one student's score can place the school in improvement.

    The identified school will revise its school improvement plan and offer student school choice. Parent letters regarding school choice have been mailed. School choice allows students in the schools in School Improvement to choose to attend a different school. Transportation will be provided to students choosing to change schools, as far as funds allow. Parents will have until August 4 to request a school change. The process for making such a request is outlined in the correspondence coming to parents.

    "We are committed to continuous improvement in the Johnston County Schools. Corinth-Holders' revised improvement plan will build upon the successes they have already achieved," said Dr. Anthony Parker, Superintendent.

    Students in grades Kindergarten through grade 5 at Corinth-Holders School may elect to remain at their home school or transfer to either River Dell Elementary or Cooper Elementary. Sixth through eighth grade students may elect to remain at Corinth-Holders or may elect to transfer to Selma Middle School or North Johnston Middle School.

    Parents who have questions about this process should contact Principal Paula Coates.

    Use this link to view the preliminary results for all Johnston County Schools.

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