Play Dates Wanted

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by canesfan, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. canesfan

    canesfan Active Member

    I have recently moved to Johnston County and my daughter will start Kindergarten at Cleveland Elementary in August. I am looking to set-up some play dates for her with children that will be starting Kindergarten at Cleveland as well. She is somewhat shy and does not do well with change so I thought if she met a few future classmates it would help with the transition. I have tried getting her involved with sports at the "y" but I think it was to overwhelming for her.
    If you are interested or have any ideas to help her adjust, please post on here as I check back often.
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Try some of these folks:
  3. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member


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