i have ranted about his before but i want to know good reasons why parents are NOT involved with their kids schools? there is so little involvement its really very sad!
Some of us are single parents that have to work 8-5 Mon-Fri and cannot be as involved as we would like. We're not all out getting our hair and nails done instead of being at the school!!!!
i have 2 busy kids, work full time no where near the school and i find a way! i was at school at 6am today.....pta meetings are after school and you can bring your kids. if i cant make it i send things in.....whatever i can do to make a difference not only for my kids but for all others!
I was a single mom for a while. It is hard. It's hard to find extra anything, much less time. I think if you want something, you always find a way to do it, make it work, fit it in, etc.
i was also a single mom busting my butt to make ends meet. it was hard for me to take off work for every little thing at school but i was very fornunate because my mom and even my dad helped out with that. up until my last one graduated from high school my mom was at school practically every week. i did help when i could but it was not as much as i would like.
I'm a single mom and as long as I know ahead of time I do make the time to be there for her. My job works with me on that. Now PTA, not intrested, so I don't worry about that stuff. Sheri
My guess is your friend has 1 or 2 kids (not 4) that aren't involved in things outside of school (such as sports) and has an ex that is involved in his children's lives. Things aren't always black and white.
i understand there are parents like yourself that have your hands full and no support. BUT......there are hundreds of children at our school and less than 20 parents help out on a regular basis.
It's the same with anything. It's the same parents I see at Scouts, at school, etc. I am not as involved with the school itself as I'd like, but up until recently I had 3 different jobs. I will soon be down to 1 (thank God!) and hope to do more. I do send in things as requested, I made it to the Thanksgiving party, the Halloween party, etc. Couldn't make the Christmas one because it was scheduled at the last minute and I was already all booked up yesterday. I made sure DS took his goodie contribution though and the teacher gifts, etc. If I can't make it, DH does his best, but he works all the time and it's very hard for him to get away during the day. He is VERY involved with the scouts though. So just because you may not see a parent at school, doesn't necessarily mean they aren't involved with their kid elsewhere. 8)
i really hope so! we play lots of sports and then there are concerts at school. there are parents that never come to see their kids do anything.....just drop them off! breaks my heart for those kids!
I don't think Crazy is slamming the people who would be there if they could but circumstances don't allow it, but I'm sure there are PLENTY of parents that do have the time to be involved and aren't. And there are some parents who like to be more involved than others, but even giving a little time is better than nothing.
Face it people.... There will always be this dynamic in parenting. It's what makes the POS parents POS's and the great parents ... great parents. You will always have the in "betweens," the ones who can't because of their situation, the ones who do it all and the ones who could give 2 *hits.... I say it's what makes the whole picture work... for whatever reason. I know I am blessed to work from home and be able to get up to leave and participate at school any time I want. But I also know that there are those parents that work an hour away who have "Hitlers" for bosses and cannot do as much as they want. I myself try to help those that cannot. Case id point.... my friend could not attend her kids Christmas parties... so I did. She didn't feel that mothers guilt, the kids felt special and I got to get away from my desk and eat cupcakes! What more could you ask for? No analyzing is needed......... just let if flow.
I didn't take it as slamming either. I've wondered myself in certain situations. Because it's ALWAYS the same parents who pull the majority of the weight. At least from what I've seen.
There definitely are some parents who practically "live" at their children's school. I agree, some parents show zero interest in their children's schooling and that is a recipe for failure. I will never ever fault the parents, however, who bust their butts to make a living and do the best they can and if that means they can't volunteer at all, so be it. As long as they are helping their children at home with homework, projects, asking and caring about what their children do in school daily and showing interest in that respect, I think their children will succeed and do well.