Looking into hybrid water heaters. Just curious if anyone knows of a good plumber out there that has knowledge/experience with these and is a reseller. http://www.geappliances.com/ge/heat-pump-hot-water-heater.htm
We went to on demand water heating a while back, which does not keep such a volume of water hot at all times. It was set up as a zero interest loan over a year by the utility and it qualified for several tax credits and rebates. Something else to consider.
I love my tankless, it takes a few seconds more to get the hot water, but doesn't use any energy when we don't need hot water. And you can never run out. Plus no tank to worry about leaking.
The tankless is appealing, but I do not have a gas line and I am not interested in installing a gas tank on the property. I'd hate to have go tankless and then add a propane tank, which would sort of defeat the purpose a little bit. Haven't looked at the electric ones. Perhaps I should.
https://www.lowes.com/pl/Tankless-e..._clickID=369f5235-f4eb-40eb-b2b4-906ce5f9dcd4 http://www.homedepot.com/b/Plumbing-Water-Heaters-Tankless-Electric/N-5yc1vZc1ty http://www.sears.com/search=tankless electric hot water heater
My tankless is propane. I have a 500 gallon tank I installed, I also use it for the range/oven and grill outside. I fill it about every other year on average and use about 100-125 gallons per year on the high side.