Stopped by today and got some corn and a pint of ice cream to go. Just had a bowl of the ice cream- -cherry pineapple. MMM, MMM, MMM. Somebody stop me from eating the whole pint!
I don't think I'm going to share with anyone. It's some of the best ice cream I've had in a long time.
right by my house!! its on 42, heading towards FV, on the corner of 42 and Mt PLeasant. I stopped there last night and got some cucumbers, some squach and some of the best silver queen (ardent) corn I have ever eaten. I had 4 ears for dinner!
OOh... I love good silver queen corn.. my stepfathers brother used to grow it up in VT, and he would always bring us a burlap bag full!
I am just telling you, thats all I had for dinner, that and some of the pickling cucumbers I also purchased. That corn didnt even need yummy and so unbelievably sweet. Dozen ears for $4 too....YUM! I will be taking some down to the beach this weekend.....should have watermelons by Thursday they said! want me two of them to take with me!
And I know you will want to be in charge of maintaining said list, right!?!? Thanks for the silver queen update kb. Best corn under the sun!
Ok, i am gonna have to try this place out, have heard about it forever. Now if i am leaving McGees Elementary (gotta pick up the grandkids from Y camp today), how would i get to Porters?
go up 50 to 42 (lowes foods) hang a left, go through the light (Rock Service Station Road) about 3 miles past that Porters is on the left (just past Rocky's Road House , or whatever that biker bar is now) Giant Metal Strawberry sitting out on the road.....can't miss it. If you get to the light at Old Stage, you've gone too far.
We have been going to Porter's for years. They are the best! I get tons of strawberries there every year! They have great Sugar Free Chocolate ice and creamy. My mom's fave is the maple walnut, DH's is the strawberry cheesecake...yum!