Portrait Innovations - printing from cd

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sdw714, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. sdw714

    sdw714 Well-Known Member

    For any of you that have been to Portrait Innovations - - have any of you ever printed pictures from the cd that comes with the packages? I'm planning to go there soon and just wondering how well pics printed later using the cd will look.
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    If they are edited photos on the CD, you'll probably like the results. If not, there's only so much that the machines at WM can do when you print pictures.

    If however, you wanted edited photos, my better half can edit them and print them for you. She's a professional photographer.
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Hey H6, would she be interested to look at one i have. It is a pic of 4 generations of women in my family and my Mom loves the pic but it was late in the event and she was tired and the lighting makes her look so pale and she hates that but if i darken the whole pic it makes me look well let's just say no longer of the same race as my Mom:lol: i bought a beautiful frame for the pic but Mom just hates the pic of herself although she likes everyone else's. Is it possible to do anything with that? i have it on my computer right now but i could load it onto a CD.
  4. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    if you have it on your computer, she doesn't need the CD. She's agreed to try to edit it for ya. You can email it to her at her website here:

    Looking forward to seeing it...I may want to post it on here..lol..j/k 8)
  5. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    The problem with the Portrait Innovations CD is that the only pictures you can access are very low resolution. The high res pics are encrypted. I haven't been able to locate anyone online or in person who could crack the encryption. You'll probably end up with a better copy if you do a high quality scan of one of the printed pictures, than to try to manipulate one of the low res pics on the CD.
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Agreed that low resolution shots provide low resolution images.

    What amazed me is that the package they advertise limits one to 36 exposures. It's not unusual for my spouse to shoot 400 images in an average sitting, varying lights, exposure, poses etc.

    As I maintain...res ipsa loquitur
  7. sdw714

    sdw714 Well-Known Member

    Thanks H6 - - not sure when I'm going but will get up with you afterwards. I just didn't want to spend a fortune and thought if I had the cd I might could just print some from it later. You need to buy 3 poses to get the cd.
    Thanks again,,,,,
  8. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    thanks H6, wish i had seen this this weekend - but i will send it to her this evening, give her a big hug for me:grouphug:
  9. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    We won't use Portrait Innovations ever again. We're used to Kiddie Kandids (which are the studios inside of Babies R Us) who give you the CD with high resolution images of every shot taken, regardless of which poses you purchase. Also, as part of the package, they do really cool collages with backgrounds and wordings. All for the same price as what we paid PI. And you get all the prints the same day.

    I hear Sears gives you the CD with high-res pics, so we might try there next. (although I'm calling Kiddie Kandids today to see if we can get an appointment for April 3, when we'll be near one) ETA: I guess not, since it looks like they abruptly went out of business in January due to investors backing out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2010

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