portrait studio suggestions?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by spannhakes, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. spannhakes

    spannhakes Guest

    I want to get family portraits taken soon. Does anyone have suggestions of a quality photographer/portrait studio in the area?
  2. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

  3. new2area

    new2area Member

    Tammy Fisher takes our pictures and she is awesome. Her website is
    www.fisherphoto.net, she has some examples of her work!
  4. DeniseMan1

    DeniseMan1 Guest

    Second on Tammy Fisher!!!! She is awesome!!!
  5. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    Third on Tammy Fisher!!

  6. OMG! I just checked out Tammy's website and the lady with the newborn in the Wendell session is one of my best friends! Small world! She sent me those pics but I didn't realize they were from Tammy Fisher!
  7. I don't know her name, but there is a photographer whose office is above Radiance salon. I went to get my eyebrows waxed and the lady who did them showed me some pictures she had made of her son. They were great! I'll try to find out the lady's name.
  8. dephygravitee

    dephygravitee Well-Known Member

    The photographer at the Radiance building is Brandi Autry 919-772-2040. I've seen her work and it is amazing! She did wedding photos for a friend of mine and they were by far the most beautiful photos I have ever seen...here's the web address: www.brandiautry.com

  9. Thank you!!! I wanted to find out her name so I can use her soon! The pictures I saw were very nice and did not look fake or cheesy. She took most of them in her back yard by the water. It was beautiful.
  10. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    FYI.....just booked a "quick take" session for my grandkids..... next one is July 31/Aug 1st....no more until the fall. She said the appts go fast.
  11. crunchymom

    crunchymom Well-Known Member

    A friend of mine took all of my son's baby portraits (and did a few shoots with my older kids too) & she's the only photographer I'll hire from here on out! Here's her website :)


    (ps my daughter is the one on the prices page--amazing work!)
  12. davynchristy

    davynchristy Well-Known Member

    5th, 6th & 7th on Tammy Fisher!!!
  13. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

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