This is a story out of Tampa, a young mother's son was the victim of Shaken Baby Syndrome at the hands of a sitter. About me: My Name is Kristy Schwade and my life at this point is not anywhere near normal. My Son, the light of my life is fighting for his very own life in ICU and has been since May 9, 2007. He is suffering from Shaken Baby Syndrome by the hands of someone who is not in anyway related to him or us. I have 100% faith in God that my little boy will be the one that SURPRISES all of the doctors. He is strong and we have to be strong for him. Please visit the myspace and pray for this little boy.
Oh dear Lord, what a horribly sad story. :cry: I will continue to pray for this little family. Don't forget to lift Kaleb's parents, Kristy and Josh, up in prayer as well y'all. A lot of marriages dissolve from the stress of medical problems such as this. :cry: Here is a video story Kristy has linked on her myspace page.