Don't know if you heard of this guy Peter Schiff, he is a frequent contributor to FOX News, CNN and Bloomberg. This is a compilation of his participation on FOX were his fellow talking heads scoff at his dead on predictions for the current mess back in 2006 & 2007. Some of those scoffing at him are flagging Washington Mutual and Goldman Sachs as the stock purchases of the Year. Also the Pompous Ben Stein making his plugs for how well run Merril Lynch is. By the way this guy was Ron Paul's economics adviser. Unfortunately the video is 10 minutes in length, but not boreing.
Another great video with Peter Schiff on CNN: Part 1 Part 2 He's an Austrian School Economist. His words are like music to my ears, but his ideas, like Ron Paul's, are much too idealistic for our statist society. He absolutely get's it! Unfortunately, the group coming into power in Washington have no respect for such ideas. I will say however that I am not completely disappointed in Obama's economic team. He could have done much worse (like he's done with other picks). I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.