Progress Energy RANT

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by hhicshg, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    Today I went online to pay my power bill. I wanted to do echeck so I had to set up their Wallet Something or Other. I made the payment and got to the last screen that shows your confirmation # and advises the # will be emailed to you. Now let me say this is a two month bill and I was paying the full amount. I was very concerned about them getting the payment so I was careful about what I was doing. Power Surge--it came back up as it was. I usually copy these confirmation #'s and paste them into an email to myself to be sure I have them. So I was getting ready to write it down--POWER SURGE that lasted maybe 15-30 seconds. I went back online to the PE site and couldn't find any info eluding to my payment so I called PE to see what the turnaround time is from my entry to them being able to see it. I checked my bank and it had not been paid. I called PE and that was when the non-customer service began. Keith was polite and courteous through answering and assuring he would like to help me with my problem if he could. I explained what I wrote above. No response--I said his name and he told me he was there. Then he asked me if I got a copy of my bill. ??????????? I told him I did. He asked me if I knew the amount. I told him I did. He began telling me when it was due. I asked him if he understood the info I had given him previously. He told me he did so I asked him a couple of questions and he didn't have a clue. So I explained the whole situation again and allowed I didn't care to pay the bill again as it was rather large. So he started on a thing about me wanting to pay the bill or not pay the bill. I tried to tell him the background again. He told me he saw no problem he didn't see the payment so no payment had been made. I asked for a supervisor and he told me I could not speak to his supervisor. I said someone had to be there in that capacity and I would like to speak with them. He told me I could not then added he was the supervisor. Somewhere in this discussion I restrained myself and just told him that was a bunch of crap. Anyway bottom line this went on for about 15 minutes. So I still don't know anything more than I did when I dialed in on that number. He was rude and condescending. That may be but I am going to keep checking the bill and my bank and when I write my letter to corporate I have good old helpful, respectful Keith's employee number 7566 and location. The type service I received made me think of someone who is texting and thinks they can multitask.:evil:
  2. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you need a trustier computer. I wouldn't pay my bills on that one if it is prone to so many power surges. But give it a few days. If the confirmation page came up saying the payment was recieved then it should show either on your PE account or bank in the next few days. I know that my PE payments (I made one today) don't show right away.
  3. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    You put my mind at rest when you said your PE payment didn't show up right away. Sad thing is. It is not the puter. Guess smart thing would be to make the payments like that on laptop. I just don't usually have so many problems. I called back and talked with a very nice lady who helped me. Then I reported good old Keith to the supervisor that I could not talk to.
    I am not nit picky but I did work in customer service with a major company for a long long time and I was good at

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