By chance, is there anyone out there who uses propane at the present time to heat their home considering switching to a heat pump? We have always had propane but with the current prices, the bills are OUTRAGEOUS!! We are trying to figure out what to do about it and wanted to see if there were any other folks out there in the same situation.
I don't know if I can explain this right, but I'll try...We built our house 2 years ago, moved in November. We have a normal water heater (elec) but it has a propane backup (?) so if it gets really cold it will kick into propane. Anyway, our first year they only came every 3-4 months to fill the propane, and it didn't seem that bad. Our house is 3600 sq.ft., but our electric usually runs $200-$300, depending on season of course. Well, the past 9 months, they're bringing propane every month, and it's $200 at a time! It's getting ridiculous, and we can't figure out what to do! My hubby is a builder, and everyone he talks to about this says that can't be right, but we've yet to figure out the problem. We don't even use gas for anything else, and since it's just back up, I can't imagine our water heater is using that much propane?? So we're in the process of trying to figure out if we want to switch out the water heater, or what, but gas is outrageous for sure! We've never had propane for anything (other than grill) so I've never had to deal with these kinds of prices. I feel bad for people that rely on it, and have to pay that every month for heat!
We have a 'gas pack' heat system, its a combination gas and electric. We went to year-round equal monthly payments for the gas because you never knew what the bill would be! We use Amerigas for our LP gas and we pay between 25-30.00 a month. We also have gas stove, clothes dryer and logs (but we don't use them much). Good luck!
I'm with you. Gas hot water heater and 2 furnaces. One for upstairs and one for downstairs. Gas bill last month was $200+ :banghead: Electric bill was $70? :? We take short showers, I don't take a "bath" anymore, because of the amount of hot water to fill up the tub. ONe thing I've noticed about this house (its a rental <puke> btw)is that it's VERY drafty. :evil::evil: