one [SIZE=-1]agnostic[/SIZE] all came together for this march!
Here are some photos I shot at the March for Choice in 2004, which brought all together. It is nice to see people unite. Catholics For Choice Medical Students For Choice Carole King For Choice Moby For Choice Ashley Judd For Choice Peter Yarrow, Peter, Paul and Mary For Choice Flags from 57 Countries Where The Bush Administration Will Not Fund Anything Other Than Abstinence Only Programs. Only Gag Orders! Just Some Of The Million And One Half People That Showed Up For Choice. Dear Ole' Grace...Wearing Her George H.W. Bush Tee Shirt...The Anywhere But America Tour, with every country and date (back)...President Bush Went To Rome And All I Got Was This Recession(front)...At The Pro Choice Rally In Washington, DC 2004. Men, women, boys, girls, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Grandparents, people from around the world, famous people, ordinary people all working for the same cause. Continuing to make sure that the law on Roe v. Wade stays in tack. Thanks for allowing me to share. I think it is great when people from all walks of life come together to ensure our freedom. Grace
I liked that, Ken. But, it is the law of the land that abortion is legal. I, still, contend that until every child has food, a roof, love, health care, etc. and no child is left without a family that the alternative is not an option. Grace
It might be redundant to have a pro-choice rally but I'll be darned if their are not people who block the door ways, yell at people at how horrible they are, etc. Then we have those we are trying to overturn the original law. I am in agreement that I don't like the idea of abortion, should not have federal laws telling me what I can and cannot do with my body and don't want anyone else telling me what to do with my body. People should see what is happening in Charlotte. Both sides yelling and carrying on. I feel bad for those making the choice and having to go through that crowd. Disgraceful. Grace
Yep, when it breaks the law, I certainly am. Both sides are out of hand. Both exercising their Freedom of Speech and the person trying to make a decision is just overwhelmed. Actually, I am not one of those protesting at clinics but I do believe that a person has the legal right to enter and make a decision. I say we put it up for a vote and be done with it. We have other issues we should put up for a vote, also, and be done with all of it. Grace
You will find that on YouTube about the time I find Bootsy on Larry King Weekend. Darn it, still cannot find anything. Bootsy is one character that is full of himself. To be able to put your Avatar to his face was so funny. Grace