If you were at Lowe's food last night around 6pm and drive a white minivan. PLEASE look where you're going when backing up. I realize that talking on the phone, starting a movie for your kid and getting home are all VERY important, BUT you almost ran over me and my son b/c you were too stupid to look behind you. It is a parking lot. Oh, and if you ride your breaks, someone is going to run into the back of you. Learn to drive please. Even my 5 year old said your driving was horrible. You turned out and went down 50 and then turned right beside Don Lee's. And you have one of those child bragging stickers on the back of your white minivan. K
Sounds like this lady was very much occupied with everything but safe driving. But parking lots are very dangerous. I am very careful in parking lots but because of blind spots for a driver I have been surprised to see a car or pedestrian at the last minute in a parking lot. I am glad you are safe.
If I hadn't hurried my son up, we would have been hit by her. I came REALLY close to hitting her precious van with my bag. K
I had to drive into Raleigh to do some "visiting" at the courthouse last Friday and man it was tough. City folk driving around, actin like their car was a phone booth. I seen one old lady on the phone driving between lanes and I noticed her bumper sticker which said “I Believe in Miracles.” I sure was hoping it was true, for her sake and mine! Well here are just a few thangs I noticed and a few little tid-bits that popped in my head while driving around… Hope ya’ll enjoy! A college sticker in the window is apparently NOT a sign of mental intelligence. Flashing your headlights only works when you are far enough away from my tailgate for me to see them. If God is your co-pilot then you need to hand the wheel over to Him before both of ya’ll gets hurt. Darwin Sign- If Darwin was correct, then you should have evolved into a better driver by now. I see that your kid is an honor student, how’s about pulling over and letting him try. Why do the biggest bugs have to splatter on the driver’s side? A little note on the windshield that says “Parking Fine” does not mean that you did a good job. If somebody makes a gesture with the use of a certain finger it does not actually mean that you are #1. And don’t kindly give one back either!
Been in the same situation myself a many of times, glad you and little one were okay. But on the flip-side, I've also been in the situation when I'm trying my best to back out of a parking space, waiting patiently for all the slow pokes to step it up a pace and move their fat _ _ _ a little faster (which would help trim it down some), when they see someone is trying to safely back out and doing it with care, slowly and you get that look like "ya, I know I'm in your way and the whole family is taking up the middle of the road but we're too lazy to move any faster and we're daring ya to hit one of us", or better yet the ones that let their kids run on head of them (all of 4-5 years old). I encounter this way too much, esp. in the parking lots at Target or Kohl's.
Yup, it was just me and my son and ONE bag. We were in no way going too slow. She never even looked back when she was backing up. Too busy on the phone, starting a movie for the kid in the back, whatever else she was doing. K
This whole movie thing in the cars/SUVs just kills me. How did my and husband and I ever survive when ours were little? Oh, I remember "one more word outa ya and I'm stopping the car":lol:
Haha, I knew it was bad when my 5 year old asked why the lady was driving so bad. She probably couldn't see behind her from the drop down t.v. My DS has a portable dvd player that he can use in the car. He holds it in his lap and it doesn't get turned up loud. He only uses it if we going on trips longer than 30-45 minutes. Otherwise he is content to talk to ME. K
Yep, I had one of those, in fact nothing has changed. She will talk your ear off about anything and its always been that way, talktalktalktalktalktalktalk and talk. I'm one that loves the solitude of driving, looking out the window at the sites etc., just enjoying the drive but with her its talktalktalk, well I think you get the picture. When it starts to get on the dads nerves I just remind him that she could be like most teenagers and not communicate.