Can somebody point me in the direction of a pumpkin patch where I can take the kids to pick their own pumpkin? I have taken my class to the Lazy O Farm and love it, but they don't have general admission for pumpkin picking...they do one weekend, but the rest is all on a group basis... Suggestions??
I took my kids on a field trip one year to a farm in Wilson's Mills, I think it was just called Wilson's Mills Farm, but I could be wrong. I don't know what they normally do for regular people though, since I was there with a preschool. My kids actually enjoy just going to Ken's produce on 50 and getting their pumpkin, although we're not getting them this year.
We went to one in Wilson's Mills last weekend and there were about 4 pumpkins and none bigger than a golf ball in the whole patch. Then the wife took one up to the counter and they wanted $4 for it which was a joke. Especially after we had already paid $3 to ride back there and walk around in an empty field.
Wilson Mills are store brought pumpkins. We were there on Tuesday and the had a truck with huge boxes and they were putting pumpkins in various places. My DH almost killed me cause he wanted to go to Walmart (it was cheaper there)
Porters has pumpkins We went by WIlsons Mills today and the lady said because they got so much rain on that side of Clayton early in the season, all the would-be big pumpkins rotted. So yes, the pumpkins there are very small and go for $1-3 right now on top of the $3 hay ride to get to the patch. We drove over to Porter's on 42West and picked out 2 Large pumpkins for $8 each this afternoon (and had yummy ice cream with them)! Medium pumpkins were $6 and small were $4 I think. THen there were loads of those mini pumpkins for the little kids to pick. Porters got a lot less rain early on, which apparently is good for the pumpkins. THey had some giant ones going for $20-$50 that looked like they could be entered at the fair!
Do people just not carve pumpkins like they used to? I am so surprised that more people aren't out pickin pumpkins at pumpkin patches! We have lived in 7 states, and this is the first place that I have been where I don't see carved pumpkins sitting out on everyone's porches.... We got some fabulous pumpkins last year on the corner of Cornwallis and Cleveland....guess maybe we will head back there again this year. I was just hoping to get them still sittin' in the dirt and attached to the vine
Try the little place between the 70 Bus./70 Bypass interchange and Talecris. There used to be an old barn there but its been torn down now. They seem to be nice people and we've bought from them two years in a row. As a side note, I used our pumpkin last year as a lesson to our child. After it was ready to be thrown away, I let him help tote the pumpkin behind the vehicle to get a sense of how heavy it was compared to his own size and then with him at a safe distance, I used the vehicle to back over the pumpkin, mashing it flat and then explained how dangerous it was for a child to play or hide behind a car.
I thought just about everyone did it around here. We've only been here for about 5 years ... but we see carved pumpkins everywhere around Halloween. We haven't carved ours yet this year because we don't want it to rot before Halloween. We'll probably be carving ours on Wednesday.