ok so its been 8 years since I've had a puppy. what amount do you usually feed a puppy, he seems to want to eat all the time.. thanks
If you check the side of your PUPPY food, it gives you an approximate idea. Usually, the serving size is about equal to the sixe of their head...I know that sounds odd, but it holds true in my experience. Just remember each time the pup gets doen eating, sleeping, & playing it needs to be taken out to potty. If the pup has an accident, roll up a newspaper nice and tight and hit yourself on the head for not taking the puppy out when it needed to go! Patience and love wil make the puppy grow up to be a great dog!
mutt leaves vast possibilities on what it can be...I have 4 mutts, they go from 10 lbs to 60 lbs. What mix?
Is your yard fenced in? This mix will require a good bit of exercise. At 8 weeks, the pup should eat twice a day 6-8 weeks three times a day) Feed around the same time each day, so the pup will be on a schedule, indoors or out. Has the pup been dewormed? Sometimes worms can make them act like they are hungry all of the time...check it's gums and belly. If the belly is puffy and it's been an hour after it's eaten, possibility of worms...also check gums, should be pink, if pale = worms...some worms are hard to detect and almost every pup has them...a fecal at the vet will tell you for sure. Feed only puppy food, not dog food and go by instructions on the bag...plenty of fresh water too, so it doesn't get dehydrated.
yep, half acre fenced in so he has plenty of running room, plan on taking him to the vet soon.. can I give him something to prevent worms this young or does the vet have to give him something
Nothing will prevent puppy worms per say, there are dewormers available, but what your vet can give you is better than most that you can get in PetsMart etc.