I found out my beloved sweet baby boy Jack Russell probably has lung cancer and I am struggling about putting him to sleep. He is 16 1/2 yrs old and even though we didn't extract cells to test for sure, all of the chest x-rays, seizures, weight loss, and doctor's expertise point towards cancer. He is starting to eat very little and I don't want him to suffer but then part of me wonders what if we put him to sleep too early and there is some hope. I would appreciate any suggestions from other people that have had to go through this terrible decision. Thank you:cry:
You've given him a great life if he has made it to 16.5 years. I feel for you because I've been through it too.
my heart goes out to you. i was in a similar situation a few years ago with my baby girl who was also almost 17 and was torn. One night my son and i were discussing it and evidently she took it in her own paws and laid down, went to sleep peacefully & never woke up. It broke my heart losing her but i am so glad she went peacefully. Good luck in your decision and as others said, follow you heart, it will know.
My heart breaks for you. I had to make that awful decision for my Rat Terrier, Elvis. He has Lymphoma Cancer. I agree that they will let u know when its time BUT I still second guess my decision daily (its been almost 3 yrs). I know in my brain I did what was right but my heart, well, u know. Do NOT let anyone tell u that u are doing the wrong thing. I had someone tell me that I was basically abusing my lil' man by allowing treatment to see if it would work (he was only 6.5 yrs old). Listen to your heart and make the decision based on what's best for your baby versus the fact you will miss him terribly. ((Huggs))
As all already said Go with your heart .... also I feel that the dog will help you with such a decision. He/she will let you know when the time has come that they feel its time due to discomfort or whatever the case is. I really believe a dog's eyes "says it all". My heart goes out to you and yours. It'll be bittersweet at the end but the journey of memories I'm sure will be awesome for you to fall back on once the pain of loss is gone for you.
I have had to put 2 down in the past and both times I told myself they would let me know and they more or less did. You will know when the time is right. I have to be honest, you will still feel guilty but at least they will be at peace and waiting for you on the other side. My heart goes out to you as this is a hard thing to do, no matter wehat the situation.
We had to let our beloved 11 y/o Westie go in April. Ally had breast cancer (despite being spayed at 6 mos old) and when it spread to her lungs and she began having problems breathing, I knew it was time. She had been too faithful of a friend to me for 11 years to let her suffer. Trust your heart, gather up all your courage and watch your JRT for signs that he is in distress. When you can no longer keep him comfortable and painfree, it is time to let him go. He has had a great life with you and has been a member of your family for 16 years, he will always be with you in your heart. Sending you prayers and strength for the difficult days ahead... (((hugs))) The Last Battle If it should be that I grow frail and weak And pain should keep me from my sleep, Then will you do what must be done, For this -- the last battle -- can't be won. You will be sad I understand, But don't let grief then stay your hand, For on this day, more than the rest, Your love and friendship must stand the test. We have had so many happy years, You wouldn't want me to suffer so. When the time comes, please, let me go. Take me to where to my needs they'll tend, Only, stay with me till the end And hold me firm and speak to me Until my eyes no longer see. I know in time you will agree It is a kindness you do to me. Although my tail its last has waved, From pain and suffering I have been saved. Don't grieve that it must be you Who has to decide this thing to do; We've been so close -- we two -- these years, Don't let your heart hold any tears
Dang, you made me cry. 2 years ago we had to put our little one down. she was 14 1/2. We knew it was time. I held her in my arms as they gave her the sedative, then the shot. It was the hardest thing i've done.
you will know when its time, when he is uncomfortable and has no quality of life.i had to put my cat pengie down two years ago-today.my husband woke up and noticed he was having trouble breathing so i decided it was time. it really hurts but its best for your pet.
I appreciate everyone's kind words. When I look in his eyes, he looks very tired and I am trying to see if he is showing sadness. Part of me thinks he is but part of me isn't sure. I wish I could tell for sure by looking in his eyes.:cry:
My sister just put her Schnauzer, Drake, down on Wednesday. She had him for 14 wonderful years and it's been really hard on her. My sister just knew that it was time...Drake let her know
I feel for everyone who has gone through this horrible ordeal. I feel so bad because I don't know if it's time. I know I should know but I don't and I continue to struggle with the decision.:cry: