Question about our dog...

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by arogronjomom, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. arogronjomom

    arogronjomom Well-Known Member


    Just curious if anyone knows of this or has had their dog get...uh, maybe.....a hemorrhoid? We have a 13 year old lab/beagle mix (Kelsey) who has a bit of blood in/on/around her tushie today...we found out `cause she decided to use the carpet in our bedroom as a...method of letting us know?!?!?!? Y'all know what I am talking about when they leave their "mark" on a carpet? Kelsey just had her annual check up last month and the vet said she is very healthy for her age...did blood work and all that.....I used one of the baby's wipies on her and took a look at it but, honestly, I don't have a point of reference `cause I don't check out her tush on a regular basis, ya know?!?!?

    Just thought I would throw it out there at y'all and see if anyone has any advise before I call the vet?


  2. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    just call the vet.
    bleeding from any orifice will most likely result in needing to see the vet anyway.

    Has she been spayed?
    yes or no, she could have a vaginal infection either way.
  3. sd214

    sd214 Well-Known Member

    Question about your dog . . .

    If she is rubbing her tush on the carpet, her anal glands may need to be expressed. A visit to the vet is in order, due to the blood you are seeing. It may be a sign of infection, or something else that needs attention.
  4. arogronjomom

    arogronjomom Well-Known Member


    I just wanted to say thanks for your comments to those who posted.

    I took Kelsey to the vet (I planned to regardless of what I read after I posted my question - I just was looking for anyone who had similar circumstances) and she has to have surgery next week to remove a growth that may or may not be malignant. It wasn't there four weeks ago when she had her check up and she has lost two pounds since then, as well. The vet said it seems to be very aggressive, whatever it is.

    Again, thanks for your comments. Hopefully, she will be okay. I just don't know right now.

  5. youdontsay

    youdontsay Active Member

    Oh fingers crossed for you. It sounds like you caught it quickly, so hopefully that is a good thing.
  6. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Prayers that all turns out OK.

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