Help!! One of my cats has trouble keeping her food down. She's had tests run at the vet and everything is fine. Doesn't seem to matter what kind of dry food I feed her, it comes back up, I've dried several different kinds. It doesn't happen every day, but I'd say at least 3 times a week, sometimes more. Don't have that problem with the wet food, but that is an occasional treat, vet says not to give it to them all the time for dental reasons. Does not seem to be a hairball issue and the other cat who eats exactly the same food does not have a problem. She is keeping enough down to maintain her body weight, BUT I'm tired of finding nasty little surprises since she is exclusively an indoor cat, anyone had a similar experience or a resolution? Thank You!
I'd say cut back on her portion sizes. Or try to limit how much she eats. Just from the info given, she sounds like she is over eating just a few times a week and her bitty stomach can't hold it all. Just a guess.
HMMMMMM, that is a thought, they self feed on the dry, neither of them is overweight so it didn't occur to me she could be stuffing herself. Thanks!
Now I am by no means a Vet or claim to be an animal extrodinare... but hope it helps if that's in fact the case. Man, I feel productive today!
It's definately an idea, I've never noticed her gorging, she's more of a snacker, but I think I am going to stop the self feeding anyway to keep them from getting overweight as they get older, both of them are relatively young cats, approx 1.5 & 2.5 so now is probably a good time to stop it before they get too set in their ways.
yeah my terrior is getting a bit tubby... he's lovin' the snack of puppy chow. The little sucker is suppose to weigh around 16-19 lbs... he weighs over 25! The vet said... huuum somebody likes puppy chow! :lol:
I've had some cats that just couldn't tolerate certain brands of food, while others did just fine on it. I would try a different brand and see if it helps.
I agree with kookookacho. I have one, otherwise healthy cat that will vomit her food right after eating. And I've seen her eat it again and vomit it again :shock: (cycle ends at that point). In any case, I cut her portions way down, and feed her 6x a day. Vomiting stopped. If you cut portions down, be sure your cat gets enough food.
We've tried about 10 different kinds, that's why I'm at my wits end with it, vet didn't really have any suggestions since there are no gastointestinal problems and no hairballs, it's just annoying, she doesn't make a sound when it happens, so you have no warning whatsoever, you just find it later, more than once with my bare foot in the middle of the night. YUCK! :evil:
My sister doesn't leave food out for the cats. She feeds twice a day, and there are times where they can get treats throughout the day. She also has a cat that has a special diet. She mixes a small amount of wet food in every day. The cat's 15 and teeth are fine.
Not trying to scare you, but we had a cat that did this, and after many trips to the vet, and tests, and eventual liver failure, they determined he had a problem with his intestine, to where it had basically fused nearly shut at one place. This was found too late for him though, he still had to be put down because he was too far gone by the time the vet found it. I really hope this is not the case with yours, but I would sure take him to the vet and have it checked out. They only found ours by doing surgery, but there may be some non surgical testing that can be done if they know what they are looking for though. Good luck!!
I'm surprised this wasn't picked up in an x-ray. My vet told me that an intestinal blockage (for example, with a furball impaction) may not show up directly, but can appear on xray as a bulged area in the intestine followed by a slim area. I'm so sorry your cat and you had to suffer.
if the cat isnt losing weight i wouldnt worry to much. do you leave dry food out all the time, maybe you dont see her eat. as long as she gets SOMETHING. sorry for the questions i didnt read your post that well. (meds) maybe take a dropper and give her some kind of suppliment? as long as she gets a couple of dropper fulls(or 4) can cats have acid reflux? sorry probably a stupid at least give her dropper fulls of water. did you have x rays? she could have eaten something like a mouse in the house and it made her sick? maybe she got into something that is making her like this and it might pass. is she having bm's, not that you look all the time. maybe put her on a liquid diet for a couple of days til her stomache calms down. i dont know just a few ideas. now for a question, i have 2 cats (sisters) one is layed back and the other has recently meowed ALL FRICKIN NIGHT. is this a sign of being in heat? she is driving me CRAZY!!! do girl cats do this? god, i have got to get her fixed. or do yall think it could be something else? is it out of the ordinary for females to do this?
YES!!! Cats in heat will yowl and roll around rub against everything and are generally a pain in the neck. Get both your cat spayed asap. (Vet will do a general physical exam before surgery.) Spay/neuter can be done as young as 3 months old (females come into heat as young as 5 months). If she is not in heat now, she will be. And even if you do not let her outside, males will come around and fight with each other. Your female will try to get outside and the males will try to get inside. (Be careful with open, screened windows.) If cost is a problem, the cheapest spay I've used is Carolina Mobile S/N Clinic, price includes rabies vaccine and FVRCP shot ("kitty distemper"). Other cheap options are SNAP and the "twenty dollar fix" at Animalkind I believe that the Wake SPCA has some options too Also, send a PM to ljk. She works at the Wake SPCA.
My brother had a kitten that went in heat before he could get her spayed and he said she literally climbed the walls for days! :shock: Needless to say, he quickly had her spayed once she went out of heat. :lol:
T4T, your cat is definately in heat, get her fixed before you have kittens, they will do anything to get out of the house while they are in heat. :shock: As far as my kitty, she has had all the appropriate tests and bloodwork done, we don't have mice and she is strictly an indoor cat. She seems to be perfectly healthy, it's mostly an inconvenience for me and unpleasant for her. She also tries to hide her little "presents" so that is always fun to find when you least expect it. Beezor, I'm sorry about you cat, I will keep that in mind if this little problem gets any worse, it's not an every single day thing, was yours? I think I am going to try to just feed them twice a day and see what happens, may also switch cat foods again if I don't get any results, I want to see what if anything fixes it.
okay stupid sentence here. there were female cats right? i just thought the males went on the prowl and the males went crazy trying to find the female in heat. i thought the female in heat was just in heat. thanks for the advise. what is the name of the mobile that is inexpensive that you get your name on the list. i know it is somewhere in here but i dont feel like finding it. do yall know? thanks, she has got to be in heat if what yall say is right, and i am sure it is.
my cats are strictly inside cats and they caught a mouse under the stove. thank god its the only one i have seen. yuk.
AL's right. She knows her stuff ;-). It's the females, t4t, that do all the yowling and rubbing and rolling around. The males will "call", range and fight for a female in heat. Heed the advice about outside. If she slips out, she'll come back preggers!