My son is left handed and is going to be starting t-ball in the fall. We have been searching all over looking for a glove for him and can't find one. Thought for sure Dick's would have one...nope! Any ideas of where we could look, or am I going to have to go online somewhere? I even looked at Dick's online and they didn't have them either, just right handed gloves. (for left hands, you know what I mean!)
On the campaign bus! :jester: John and Obama are both Southpaws! Seriously, my wife ends up ordering most of her stuff like left handed scissors on-line, let me know if you need it and I will try and get you some of her web sites tonight.
I am left handed but I am odd. I catch right handed and bowl right handed. So I would see which hand he is more comfortable catching with before going nuts trying to find a left handed glove.
I messed with a waitress once. Told her I needed a left handed fork. She looked puzzled for a minute. :lol:
Just make sure that he truly uses and feels comfortable using his left hand to throw with. I'm another left hander that does quite a bit as a right hander, throw the ball with the right or left, catch with right or left, cut with the left/right, bowl with the right only, golf as a righty, just depends on what I feel the most comfortable with right versus left. Just sit back and watch him play with the ball at home and you'll get a better sense as to his perference, although most left handers will exhibit right hand tendencies at a very young age.
DH is left handed, but throws and kicks right handed. DS is definitley a lefty all the way, from birth.
My youngest daughter uses both hands to write, eat, throw, etc. We are still not sure if she is a righty or a lefty. The rest of the family is a right hander.
Have you called the Dick's out on Capital, one across the street from the mall? Seems to be a bigger store, two levels and just looks as if they carry a larger volume of items.
I threatened a Wal-Mart store onetime about this but with Golf CLubs back in the day. They usually have left handed gloves at Wal-Mart. Check them out. I am a lefty.
Walmart had absolutely nothing! Didn't try Dick's in Cary, never go into that town if I can help it! We've tried my right-handed son's old glove, and he didn't know what to do with himself, so he definitely needs a left-handed glove! :lol: Poor kid! I thought for sure I could get him one online through Dick's, and the salesperson there assured me I could as well, he was WRONG! :banghead: I guess I can try Omega or Play it again Sports, I just have to leave my safe haven of Garner to do it! I hate to order online because I wanted him to try one on, just to be sure...
I know it's always a good idea to try on something like that before you buy, but if you can't find it local, that link I posted above shows 109 items for a search in youth and left handed baseball equipment, so maybe you can get something there that will work.
Yes, that does look like it might work if I don't find something around town, thanks! I might have to take him back to Dicks to try on size one more time, I can't remember the size, they do it by 10", 11", can't remember, but think his is a 10"...they had cute little sets for his age, but they were all for girls or right handed kids! :banghead: