At least it didn't fund a coke habit and strippers. It was a nice, albeit strange, gesture.. THE CATS!!! WHO WILL FEED THE CATS!??? I keep telling ym husband that I want to be crazy cat lady one day.
on the naming of cats On the cats: "You know, they've each got three names. Yes. The naming of cats is a difficult matter, It's just not one of your holiday games; You may think at first that I am mad as a hatter, When I tell you that each cat's got three different names. See, they got their ordinary name and then they got their fancy name. And that makes two names, doesn't it? And now it's got a third name. Can either of you two guess what that third name is? (beat) Come on! (beat) Above and beyond, there's one name that's left over, and this is the name you never will guess. The name that no human research can discover, but the cat itself knows, and never will confess." God Bless
Aww come on....really? Leona Helmsley much? I can understand wanting to leave money to a charity, but almost 2 million dollars to cats? There are so many hungry kids, dying cancer patients, and homeless vets.... I guess to each their own, but I think this borders on insanity.
IF I ever end up with a boat load of cash when I keel over I'd donate to the shelter & rescue groups. But you know I'm insane anyway. :mrgreen: