Raleigh Police

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rockyv58, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Yesterday I was on I-40 west going into Raleigh and there must of been about 10-15 Raleigh Police cars with people pulled over. And that was just between Jones Sausage Road and the I-400 exit.
  2. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i saw that. there were cars pulled on both sides of the road, and due to the "move over" law, everyone slammed on brakes to funnel through the center lane of a 3 lane, 65 mph interstate. i saw several near accidents. dangerous move on their part imho. you wanna pop speeders, fine, but do it safely.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    DH called me to warn me, LOL. He was headed to Pittsboro around lunch and said there were at least 8 car pulled over when he came through.
  4. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I had gotten on I-40 at exit 319 and I had seen two or three of the overhead signs warning about moving over or slowing down. Didn't pay much creedence to it till I saw all the cops. Thankfully I wasn't speeding
  5. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

  6. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    yea that was the State Troopers. Yesterday it was the Raleigh PD. I guess Raleigh PD wanted a piece of the speeding ticket pie. I guess Raleigh didn't want the state troopers to have all the fun and income....LOL

    Thankfully I am not speeding the way I use to and also don't drive a redish color car anymore.
  7. littleman

    littleman Well-Known Member

    Yep all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$. According to WRAL's story they wrote 9000 citations? WOW thats $1.6 million in just court costs; not including what they'll make in fines.
    Ya know RPD wasn't gonna miss out on their piece o' pie.
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It's definitley about the revenue. The county our hometown is located in Va is a well known speed trap. I had a family memeber working as a baliff a couple years ago and she said that other counties came to tour ours to see how they raised all that money, highest in the state. Nice of 'em ............I can guarantee you I don't go one mile an hour over in that county, because they will nail you to the wall.
  9. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's easy money until people slow down or speed limit laws come off the books or people are penalized differently for infractions. And since none of that is going to happen they're going to have these big rake ins. Why don't we try to get less people to speed the next holiday weekend. Maybe cut that 9000 number in half? That would make the roads safer, save all those people the money of a ticket, tick off the higher ups who don't rake in the cash that weekend, etc.....seems like not speeding can be a win/win for those of us not in law enforcement too. 8)
  10. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Not speed? Are you crazy? What would all those traffic lawyers do without speeders? How about the traffic court? They might have to focus on immigration or some other type of law that has been chosen to be ignored by the masses.
  11. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    People complain about traffic lawyers, traffic court, all the costs, etc. like they are the bad guys and ignore the fact that when we choose to speed (or not wear a seatbelt, etc.) we are serving ourselves up on a silver platter to the system that they hate so much and is only in place because we do choose to not obey traffic laws. And it IS all business. They can make you pay because they know people aren't going to follow the rules. So if you think about it are they bad guys or good businessmen? They're getting rich off of something that is totally within our control to make sure doesn't happen at all. So why do people always complain about the big bad system that's just in it for the money? It may be a big game, but if you don't follow the rules you're going to pay, line another guy's pockets and we got nobody to blame for that than ourselves. :?
  12. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    I went through there and there were three RPD officers standing on the hill at the end of the bridge at Jones Sausage. Looked like they had a radar gun, and they were calling down to the officers on the highway telling them which cars to pull over. If anyone didn't slow down until they saw the cruisers, they were WAY too late.
  13. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    Because they would just lower the speed limits. You will not win this game. Guaranteed. In the name of safety we could justify having speed limits of 10 mph. Just think of all the lives that would save.

    Funny how they're always quoted saying speed was a factor in the accident. Never reflexes, multi-tasking ability, friction of the road surface, weight of the vehicle, etc. Because a speed limit is something you can see on a sign and measure with a radar gun. And hey ...I've personally never seen two parked cars, sitting perfectly still, smash into each other. So indeed ...speed MUST be a factor in every accident.
  14. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Seems to me each of these become more dangerous as speed increases. Do they not?

    But hey, they probably never asked the dead person in the accident who was speeding in a 2 ton truck on a two lane wet road what he was doing when he slid across the road when he entered into that tight curve and slammed head-on into a pregnant woman who was only hoping her child is born with 10 fingers and 10 toes.

    Guess they never asked the dead x-pregnant woman anything either.
  15. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    Seems to me your hypothetical maniac wouldn't have paid any mind to the speed limit anyway. Laws are a poor substitute for common sense.

  16. RISteveH

    RISteveH Well-Known Member

    See now city police on the Interstate really rubs me the wrong way, back home the State Troopers would throw the city cops off the highway and on the same note the Troopers would stay off the city streets. There was a mutual understanding between the agency's, you have your play ground and we have ours.

    After all if the city and town cops are patrolling the highways how can we justify the Highway Patrol?
  17. oggsmash

    oggsmash Well-Known Member

    Uhm, because there are vast expanses of the interstate highways not in a city limit? And if the road is in fact running through a city limit, the Police in said city have full jurisdiction. Troopers can and do enforce traffic laws on ALL roads in the state as well, not just the Highways (interstates).

    Where might back home be?
  18. RISteveH

    RISteveH Well-Known Member

    back home was RI, pretty urban with some rural areas.
  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    They would throw them off the highway? lol

    What's the difference between God and a RI State Trooper?

    God knows he is God.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2011
  20. oggsmash

    oggsmash Well-Known Member

    RI is like 1214 sq miles, Wake county, alone, is 857 sq miles......maybe that had something to do with the jurisdiction tension? What applied in a state only a bit larger than Wake county, would seem pretty foolish to try to do in a state vastly larger, wouldnt it?

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