Reading Program? Son needs help

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by blessed2adopt2, Apr 10, 2008.

  1. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    My son, in 1st grade, is not doing really well in reading. The school (Polenta) sent home info to everyone on a summer reading program being offered. Here's the link.

    Has anyone ever sent their child to this? Was it worth it?
  2. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I've never heard of it. When my son was in 1st he was behind a little, but they sent him to someone in school during the year, and by the end of the school year he was on track. Must be they found your son's later in the year? My son caught up pretty quick last year with the in-school help, can he do that the rest of the year? This was in West View, I'm not sure if it's at all schools...
  3. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Sounds like they are offering you resources, just to boost his skills over the summer. I would ask them about FREE summer school programs that are offered in the County, or you could do like I did, and I had my boys tutored over the summer, when they told me the same thing.
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Have you purchased any workbooks or software to use at home? I recommend Jump Start, interactive software helps with some kids - makes it more fun.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    What reason did they give for him being behind?
    If it's just a matter of needing more practice, I say do it at home, saving you time and money. Have him read to you about 30 minutes every night, make sure it's not at a time he's too tired, try mornings when he'll more likely be rested from a good nights sleep.
    If he's been tested for a reading disability, use your professionals.
    The NCSU program will run you $299, 800-978-9596. I've received this information in the mail for years for my girls, never have had to use it because they were great readers.
    Good luck.
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Another thought, all the new ways they have for teaching kids nowadays. Apparently we were all raised by blubbering idiots since the "old" ways were not good enough. But, you could try those techniques - it worked for a friend of mine who homeschools. Sometimes you just need to get that lightbulb to go off and the rest is gravy.

  7. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

    Have you ever tried this website ? It's great for learning to read and beginning to read. Even if you make another choice for help, this is a fun way to improve his reading.
  8. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    The schools use Starfall too, my daughter used it as well.
  9. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    My daughter went to Polenta in K, and she went to summer school to work on her reading before going to 1st grade, it didn't work..she struggled as well in 1st grade at the start but as soon as her teacher tested her, they had her pulled out of class to work with another teacher and that did wonders for her. That was at Mcgee's. She is in 2nd grade now and she is above where she should be reading because of the teacher in 1st grade to notice of her problem. All this plus what we did at home together and Starfall, and other things we did. Now reading is fun for her.
  10. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    You have mail.
    - K
  11. Aj

    Aj Guest

    My son was also behind this year in reading. He's in the 1st grade at West View. He goes to the reading recovery teacher every day for about 30 minutes. We also work with him at home everyday. He's is doing great! I was given a list of summer tutors-teachers from the school. That runs about $30 an hour. I was told to get a second grade teacher who knew what was going to be expected of him next year and have her tutor him--that way he wouldn't start off the year behind-like he did this year-and have to play catch up the whole year.
  12. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member


    Thanks for all your responses. I went with my mom-gut instinct and did not enroll him in that $300 program. What I did change was doing his reading homework in the morning instead of after school (when he was tired). Just that little change has made a world of difference! He's now bringing home 100's on all his AR tests. Whooppee!

    Also, we're approaching reading in a new way, and letting him 'copy' us. He now reads the paper with us. I am going to keep this going and get a tutor for him over the summer just to keep him on track.

    Again, thanks!!!

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Your are so welcome.:hurray:
    Those of us who have already experienced this time in your life appreciate you asking for our advice and are more than glad to share what we've learned from raising ours. We all might have a different approach to an issue, it's just a matter of you finding what works for your youngun, they are all so different and what works for one might not work for another. Collectively, I think we give out really good advice.
    Keep up the great work and feel free to ask anytime because in doing so it shows how much your child means to you.

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