Hey, Alot of you guys knew Julie Lee, and some of you may know Ryan McClymonds. If not, Ryan is a 3 yr old with neuroblastoma. He has been in and out of Duke since 2006. His parents are Lisa & Mitch McClymonds. Julie Lee was a 5th grade teacher at CES who recently passed because of a brain tumor. With both of these families blessings and participation, our Relay for Life team would love to have anyone join our team! I really need more walkers and some ideas for tent decorations. This years theme is : Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back Celebrate Ryan Remember Julie Fight Back against this monster! You can sign up, donate or just look at my website: http://www.main.acsevents.org/goto/tammy.boyd Relay For Life is May 30-31st. Thanks for reading this!
I just had someone from this site sign up!! I encourage everyone to just take a look at our page. If you can't walk, you can always buy Luminaries to Honor/In Memory of a loved one on the website. Thanks so much! Tammy
That's great! I'm already on another team. I would encourage anyone who has not done Relay before to sign up for a team, it's one of the most inspiring and rewarding things you can do. The ceremony when the luminaries are lit is just awe inspiring - thousands of candles in white paper bags, all the way around the lake, glowing in memory and in honor of so many people. For $10, you can have the name of your loved one placed on a luminary and added to all those others. If you can't walk, or participate in fund-raisers, you can go to the team's web site and purchase a luminary in honor of a survivor, or in memory of someone who was taken from us by cancer.
I am on another team, if not, I would have loved to be on your team. I would love to buy a lumnarie in memory of Julie Lee though. Even though I didn't know her, I feel touched by her life. Let me know if you need any help with anything.
Thanks so much for everyone's thoughts on this subject. It's very dear to me. My son was in Julie's class and her in-laws go to our church.
Tammy, I definitely want to be on your team -- I'll walk as much as my heart will let me and since I don't do internet well, I'll see you at church Sun. and 'pay my dues', etc. I miss Julie so much. I have also lost my father to small cell lung cancer, one uncle with mouth and throat cancer, another uncle to stomach cancer and two first cousins to ovarian cancer and stomach cancer. I know this dreaded disease way too much. We all need to get as many research dollars as possible to the appropriate facilities/people and find new ways to deal with all cancers. Thank you so much for remembering Julie.