Relief Efforts Expanding Throughout District

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    SMITHFIELD-- In addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, students
    in the Johnston County Schools have added a fourth -r to their list
    indefinitely-- Relief. Schools across the county are sponsoring efforts
    to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina, their activities ranging
    from simply placing cans in convenient places for monetary contributions
    to supply drives.

    At Cleveland Elementary School, an effort led by eighth grade Social
    Studies teacher Cynthia Pinkston, has already netted $123.20 the first
    day. In addition to containers in the cafeteria for change, a plan to
    sell bracelets and necklaces at the school's upcoming football games,
    and candy bags of sweets donated by local grocery stores are all in the
    works, said Pinkston.
    An eighth grade Science teacher has issued a challenge and incentive:
    once the monetary contributions reach $1,000, he will shave his head.
    Meanwhile, Ms. Pinkston has received a commitment from 50 students to
    stay after school on Wednesday, September 7 to make posters and help
    with logistics. A thermometer will be created and placed in the
    school's front lawn to show the school's progress.
    "I am so very proud of the students. They are so excited and willing
    to help," said Pinkston.
    At West Johnston High School, a supply drive sponsored by the SGA is
    underway. The drive will be held from September 6 to September 16.
    Supplies needed include: paper goods: diapers, paper towels, paper
    plates and cups, toilet paper, etc; cleaning supplies like bleach,
    Lysol, personal hygiene products; single-serving snacks: Pop-Tarts,
    NutriGrain bars, granola bars, etc; high-protein canned foods like
    peanut butter, chili, vegetables, soup, and baby food. The SGA is
    working with the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC to send these
    supplies to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. For questions, contact or
    Selma Elementary is sponsoring a "Cents for the Suffering" campaign for
    the victims of Hurricane Katrina. All proceeds will be given to the
    American Red Cross. Students will rinse milk cartons and use them to
    collect change. Funds will be collected daily by students in my fourth
    grade class. Funds will be collected through the end of September.
    At East Clayton Elementary School, donations will be collected until
    Monday, September 12 and sent to the American Red Cross and United Way.
    The Annex and West Campus central service sites are collecting bottles
    of water that will be picked up and taken to Louisiana, while the North
    Campus site is collecting monetary donations for the Johnston County
    American Red Cross.

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