Religion or Manslaughter

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clif, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. Clif

    Clif Guest

    This question is directed specifically at those of us who are believers in God. Not that non-believers aren't invited, it's just your answer is pretty much already established by the very fact that you are a non-believer.

    pastorg, you're doubly invited.

    At any rate, the question has to do with the couple who's 11 year old daughter died of diabetes last week. What brought it on is a similar couple who's 15 month old daughter died of pneumonia. As of today, they have been charged.

    For those of you who don't know, and don't want to click the links, a couple had a daughter who had a treatable form of diabetes. Rather than take her to a doctor, they decided to rely on God to heal her. Well, as you can figure by now, she died.

    So, my question is, should the parents be held liable for her death?

    I'm not sure what I personally believe. I mean, I know the story of the guy caught in the flood who turned down people trying to save him by declaring God would save him. Later, at the Pearly Gates, he asked God why He had let him down. God replies, "What? I sent you to row boats and a helicopter!" For those of us who believe, it wouldn't have surprised us in the least if the girl had suddenly stood up completely cured. We also have a belief that God has a plan for each of us and what that plan is is none of our business.

    On the other hand, beliefs are very strong. Is the fact that these people believed down to their soul that God would heal there daughter any different than other parents believing that the government would protect them from E. Coli? If you're child died of E. Coli, should you be charged because you had faith that the government's food inspectors approved the food?
  2. Raven

    Raven Well-Known Member

    I have heard that God gave Humans a brain, to reason with,
    I myself would have taken her to the Dr.,
    Stupidity is not a crime if it was we would all be locked up
  3. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    hmmm, wow, good question...... I believe in prayer. I have seen it work, but I also believe God gives me the sense to take my child to a medical facility to help my child, I believe God provides the doctors with knowledge and skills to help my child. I believe...........again in prayer and I believe I should do EVERYTHING in my power to help the Lord, help my child.

    I don't think you can pray sit back and expect God to do all the work....

    But from what I know, I'm gonna say yes they should be charged.

    I will look forward to everyones response........
  4. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    I think they should be charged. When I pray I try to ask for help with coping with whatever comes more so than to get what I want; I try not to expect Him to fix everything for me.
  5. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    so in this instance, would you have been praying for the Lord to help you "cope" with your sick child? or asking the Lord to heal your sick child and guide you in a way you should go to find help for your child?

    hint: ask and you shall recieve.....

    you have to ask...... you may not always get what you want and you have to be careful what you ask for and it may not come in the time you expect but you have to ask........
    I don't expect him to fix everything.....but I'm sure gonna ask for healing if one of my youngins is layin there sick..... and the blessing of his strength to see me thru
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    God has the power to cure, and if we do not have enough faith to expect miracles we probably will not experience miracles. At the same time, God gave us intelligence and the ability to reason and to do things for ourselves. When God brought his people out of slavery in Egypt, he performed a number of miracles along the way - parting the waters; manna in the desert; etc. But the people had to do most of the work themselves. He could have chosen to lift them out of Egypt and deposit them in the promised land in a flash, in a heartbeat. But he didn't choose to do that.

    When loved ones are sick or injured, most of us try to take advantage of available medical care, at the same time praying for a miracle, and also praying that God guide the hands of the surgeon or help the medical providers to understand the best way to treat the patient. The adage "The Lord helps those who help themselves" may not be in the Bible, but I believe there is some truth in it.

    I think the parents should be charged. A jury might or might not find them culpable, based on the totality of the evidence.
  7. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    God gave us brains for a reason. Evidently, the parents you're speaking of didn't use theirs and off to jail they should go.

    Now when I have a bit more time... I'll read the links, but from the headlines, that's my answer.
  8. clive

    clive Well-Known Member

    The Lord has blessed many people with the desire and ability to obtain a medical degree. He has also blessed others with the education to develop drugs to cure and manage all kinds of diseases and ailments.
    Pray that God will lead you to a well qualified doctor to treat the sickness you have. If God decides to intervene and heal an individual (which I believe he still does) than all the better.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2008
  9. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

  10. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Good question/thought provoking situation...

    I am a believer and know God will come through - in His time and His way.

    However, God did give us the method of choice. I feel the parents should have taken the child (God's child who the parents were blessed with) to the doctor ... and pray that His Will be done and pray for comfort for the child and themselves as they go (went) thru the trial that was before them regarding her health.

    That's just what I feel about it. Be Thankful to God; not demanding to God and sit back feeling as if He should do all the work. Prayer is a wonderful thing and I believe that eventually they do get answered.

    Hopefully the parents are now Praising God instead of hurt by what they think may have been a "let down of prayer".... don't recall reading that part as to their feelings of the outcome to the death of their daughter. But I do feel they could've taken a means to treat her since God gave people insight to become doctors .. His Hands would've been the Guidance anyhow in the long run in the treatment of her.
  11. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    I agree with all thats been said. Faith can be a wonderful healer but put faith and modern medicine together and the results are amazing.
    Diabetes is a treatable disease. One that can usually be controlled with meds and diet. When all medical treatments have been exhausted and all you have left is faith to turn to then so be, it but you can at least tell yourself that you tried everything the lord has to offer...great medical minds and the faith to believe in him.
  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    God helps those who help themselves.
  13. JenJen458

    JenJen458 Well-Known Member

    Just what I was thinking.
  14. Clif

    Clif Guest

    How do you reconcile that statement with...
    Their prayers weren't asking God to help them cope. The prayers were for God to heal the child. Ask and ye shall receive. They asked and did not receive (or did not receive what they asked for).
  15. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    Clif, Read ALL my posts......
    I don't have to reconcile anything.
    If you want to pick thru everything said, go ahead....
    I think I'm pretty clear.
    Maybe you should just RE-READ the thread.
  16. clive

    clive Well-Known Member

    Our prayers, however, need to fall within God's will.
    I sympathize with the couple over the loss of their child.......however.....
    Asking God to heal a child, or anyone, from an easily treatable disease when medical care is readily available is as crazy as asking God to make a glass of water suddenly appear before your eyes when you can go to the kitchen and get it yourself.
  17. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    hmmm...interesting comparison...
  18. Clif

    Clif Guest

    I did. ALL your posts didn't answer the question which is why I asked.

    This is quite true. In fact you really didn't even have to post anything at all, much less such a nasty reply to a person who had a valid question.

    No, that's ok. I think I got what IO needed. The knowledge that asking you a question that I thought was valid does not get me an answer, just a textual slap in the face.

    If you had been I wouldn't have had to ask.

    Since it is my thread, I do read it. But, hey, if you want to be a female dog about the whole deal, feel free.
  19. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    go ahead, bust my chops all day. enjoy.....
    hope you are entertained.
    you posted the thread, I responded.
    I don't consider it valid questions when you twist what I'm saying.
    but hey, its your thread, have at it.
  20. Clif

    Clif Guest

    But that's my point. Whether or not God answers your request with a "yes" or a "no" it is still an answer. Our faith states that, with God all things are possible. Is it not acceptable, then, to believe that God would heal the child without a doctor's aid? And if we accept that premise, then how can we charge the parents?

    God said, "Ask and ye shall receive." He did not say, "Ask, then go to the doctor and ye shall receive."

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