Don't know if it will do any good, but I refuse to sit by and just take it. gouging complaint.pdf $4.62 at the Crown on 70 West. I WILL NEVER get gas there again.
Vin, this was BS when it was first rumored. I spoke with my BIl yesterday who was tellign me that a Marathon station had lines going into the street, a gallon limitation of 10 gals, and the price was 4.19, up from 3.52 5 hours earlier. He also said that they had a tanker truck deilvering fuel as these idiots panic by the thought of a shortage. He drove to the Kangaroo store with gas 3.61, with no lines. Sheer idiocy. And Easley should do more than a suggestion of doing something. This was price gouging across the aboard.
I just came back from taking my dog to the vet so I took a little look on 70. The Crown gas station at the corner of Ameliah Church and 70 is at $4.62 yesterday and today. That's outrageous. The rest of the stations I saw on 70 were around $3.98. Mike
Seems simple enough to do. The state has to license every gasoline retailer. Require them to provide the cost per gallon of every product they charged on Tuesday, 9-9, and with prices for yesterday, 9-12. That will show the gouging.
By 4:00 yesterday afternoon, the Kangaroo at 70 & Raynor Rd. had run out of regular and midgrade at their previous prices... $3.60-ish. They didn't even raise their premium price, and I filled up my jeep with Premium for $3.88, yes... 3.88. I had already been through Clayton and seen the 4.62 at Crown... I think the Walmart gas station was a madhouse @ 3.88. So, I went right back up to the Kangaroo... I didn't know when I made that decision that they were out of reg. and mid, but... it was a no brainer to fill up on the premium at their normal price. I think Sandhu's at Amelia Church and Guy Rd. is still at 4.19 today.
I visit another forum and this was posted yesterday, :shock: I don't know exactly where this person lives, her location is listed as 'southern blue ridge mountains' -- no matter where she lives, that is ridiculous! Edited to add: She posted again and said this:
I have a friend who works for the state. She was telling me they have people working all weekend taking the information about price gouging. She said this is an election year and Roy Cooper is going to make sure this gets taken care of.
simple solution, why buy it if ? You are willing to pull into there and pay the advertised price then don't beetch about it. If everyone drove by those excessively priced gas stations it would hurt them.
Went by BJs around 5:00. Gas station was closed. Guess they were out of gas. Lowest we saw was the Wilco/Hess in Garner for $3.89. Someone told me the new Lowes Foods station on Timber/Vandora Springs was $3.51 yesterday. Today I recall the price was about $4.50. Stations in Raleigh seem to range from $3.99 to $4.50.
The good and the bad. The good is that the state AG has issued seven subpoenas to businesses in NC for gas price gouging. The bad is that as of right now the AG isn't investigating any business unless they are charging more than $5.49 per gallon. Evidently he has a different opinion as to what price gouging is. Thank god it's an election year!!!
we buy gas and fuel by the tanker load. My supplier called this am to see if we needed any gas. $4.85 a gallon. I'm talking bout an 18 wheeler load. I'm a user, not a retailer !
My parents live about 1.5 hours from here in a small town and they told me 1 of the gas stations was charging $5.96/gallon. The local Fox affiliate out of Greensboro had him on the news. Hopefully SEVERAL people reported him. That is a ridiculous price.