A father who has been a Replublican all his life was visiting with his daughter who was home from college on break.She had been listening to Democratic professors for months and she was certain she too was a Democrat.When the election topic came up with her father she knew they were going to disagree.The dad explained to her John McCain was for helping the people who want to help themselves and who have worked hard for their money.The daughter said Obama wants to spread the wealth to everyone.Taking from the rich and giving to the poor so to speak.Kind of changing the subject the dad says so how are you doing in school.The daughter replies...I'm doing well..I am going to graduate in the top of my class.I stay up late after working seven hours a day to study at night to keep my grades up...I'm making A's in all my classes she says proudly.The father asks her how her friend from high school is doing in the same college.Her tone changed.She said she's barely passing.She never studies,skips class to sleep in late because she stays out late partying all night.She avoids her parents so they don't catch on to her bad grades.Dad said well since you have A's and she has all D's why don't you share your grades with her so you both will be making C's then both of you can pass with the same grade.The daughter said I'm not going to give her part of my grades I have worked hard to earn them..The father said "Welcome to the Republican party" !:hurray: