Rescue Roofing

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mgzd, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. mgzd

    mgzd Well-Known Member

    I see their signs in front of a few homes, have been approached by them myself and given the pitch. Can this be legit?
    I'm curious about others who have been approached by these guys and what you think.

    For those who haven't; they come to your home, offer to inspect your roof, find storm damage, have dates of recent storms and say that the insurance company will OK a new roof and it's all for free.
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    That sounds sketchy to me. Our roof was totaled in a hail storm in TN, but we didn't let a roofing company handle it, we saw the damage THEN contacted the insurance company and THEN it was fixed. I don't know, this just sounds awfully close to insurance fraud.
  3. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    Don't let some company that you didn't invite there to get on your roof to pick around. If you know you have a problem, leaks, missing shingles, a legit company to come over and take a look. I had a guy show up at my door and wanted to "give me a free inspection" due to the last hail storm we had. Oh hell no!
  4. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Think about it...if they get on your roof, and get hurt, you're likely going to be held liable for their injury as you didn't "hire" them. They are likely a scam of sorts, and take prey on those who don't often use their best judgement.
  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

  6. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

  7. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Our neighbors were scammed by a company just like this..not sure if it was the same name. They took half the insurance money and ran..never showed up or could be contacted to actually do the work. In the end our neighbors ended up having to shell out half the money themselves to have the work done since they had accepted the insurance payment. It was the same claim...they said she had hail damage and insurance would cover it.
  8. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    If they're going around calling on people for this type of a business, they're not legit. They're no different than paving companies that want to pave your driveway because they've got "material left over from a nearby job".
  9. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    Surprised PRM hasn't weighed in on this. Had one approach me a year or so ago, shortly after a storm. They basically guaranteed that I had damage from the storm (that I couldn't see), and insurance would pay for it. They were working the neighborhood, trying to get as many as they could. My roof wasn't leaking and this just didn't sound right, so I said "No thanks".
  10. BossRotton

    BossRotton Well-Known Member


    EERSFAN New Member

    No Way

    As an ex-roofer, Stay away from these people, If you dont have the Brown spot on you ceiling, or hear the water dripp, or actually see damage from the Ground, STAY AWAY from people doing this
  12. isellcell

    isellcell New Member

    They came by my house

    A guy from rescue roofing came by my house, said there was damage from storm and that insurance company would pay to have it replaced and that they would do the work for whatever the insurance company paid. Sounded good so looked into it, the insurance company will indeed cover the roof replacement. After I spoke with my insurance company i called the guy, and he said great that i would just pay my deductible and thats it. I asked them to provide me a quote and they refused, and said they just needed me to provide a scope of work and what the insurance company was paying. This didn't feel right at all to me, so after arugeing with the guy for a few minutes I told him to get the hell outta my house. I then called another roofer who knew my insurance company was paying for the roof and could have cared less about what they were paying. He came out gave me a quote and did the job. He installed 30 year shingles instead of what was on when the house was built and the cost of the job was 1k less than what it would have been. Plus it was a local business owner that was on site the entire job making sure the roof was done the way he wants it done, the right way. Fella made sure there were a certain number of nails in every shingle correctly placed all done by hand, no nails guns at all. If anyone needs the name and number of an awesome roofer that I highly recommend pm me.

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