Won't be traveling home(Jersey) until Dec. 26th, so we want to do something special for Christmas Eve dinner. It will be the first year away on Christmas Eve from home for us...so we want to start a nice family- tradition here in N.C. Something in Johnston County....quiet, maybe with a fireplace/decorated nicely for the holidays. We want to go early (4ish) to be home in plenty of time to leave out cookies/throw reindeer food etc. for Santa's big night. Just 3 of us....me, hubby and 10-yr old daughter. We plan on cooking a Smithfield Ham on Christmas Day.(another "new' tradition...usually at the in-law's in Jersey). Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Becky's Log Cabin? I haven't been there myself in several years, so maybe someone else on the forum can give an up to date review? We used to have our office Christmas party there, and it was very nice.
I don't know about the Log Cabin - I remembered sometime back someone on here mentioned that the lighting was a bit dim and they had moldy bread. . .someone else said they had to walk out because the place looked too dirty. I checked the health inspection reports and in 2005 they varied between 71.5 and 90. . .in 06 they stayed between 90 and 96. . .in 07 between 82 and 93. With restaurants, cleanliness and safe handling is everything and they should be consistent. If they go up and down by more than 10 points and are inspected an average of 4-5 times a year, frankly, I'd be afraid to eat there. I checked Dennys (Selma) before meeting some family members there before they got on I95 and they had a 102 (food safety course) but in the past few years they have stayed between 95 and 102. Course, you don't want Denny's for Christmas Eve :lol: You can't be too careful - you don't want to treat the family to a gift that keeps on giving, or lands them in a hospital. newmom, and anyone else who wants to check scores, go to http://www.co.johnston.nc.us There is a scrolling menu on the right side - it says something like view complete restaurant inspections and you can see scores and comments for all county eateries...other counties are available online as well.
Hate to hear that, Zoo, it used to be a really nice place. 'Course, that was back in the '90's, I haven't been there since then.
Don't be knocking the WH. And, I have enjoyed several good meals from Asian restaurants on Christmas Day.
This isn't in Johnston County, it's in Wake County right off the beltline but have you thought about trying the Melting Pot? It's something different, and I think a 10 year old is probably just old enough that they might find it really cool, almost like getting to play with your food. You could dress up a little to make it special, and I have never had a bad time or bad food there. It's a fondue restaurant.
Koo, my post was tongue in cheek...and I forgot to add the smiley thingy... I occasionally LOVES me some hash browns and a pecan waffle...http://www.4042.com/4042forums/images/icons/icon7.gif Smile