My child attends Riverdell and we noticed that the school there had set up a new traffic pattern for p.m. pick-up. It is now two-lane/one way traffic toward the school. Last year was only one-way traffic lane. Any idea why? Increased student enrollment? Is it just temporary due to beginning of the school year or is it going to be like that for the rest of the year? Just wondering...
well, I don't have a kid there, but noticed the traffic problems the first day. Cars were lined up all the way across the front of the school, blocking the view for oncoming traffic. There was a real bad accident out there Wednesday. A car had pulled out of the school an was hit by a van coming down Buffalo Rd. Everyday someone pulls out in front of me from there. Watch out guys cause I'd hate to have to hit your car with your kids just being picked up from there. Better open those eyes and wait those few seconds for oncoming traffic before you pull out. Not saying its you in particular, but everyday someone jets out in front of me. Seems they'd care a little more about the cargo they just picked up to be pulling out in front of people the way these parents are doing. Sorry for venting on you, but you mentioned