
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Angeleyes, Aug 23, 2007.

  1. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I was wondering if anyone has info on how they are with children? My daughter wants one we have another dog shes full grown akc chow . She loves pups she secretly wants to be a mom but shes been fixed. I know one on here who has one but was wondering how are they with kids , we would be getting a puppy not a full grown one. My chow is great with people she knows not so much with stangers. I see alot on the news about them but I am thinking it may have more to do with their size that scares people . Any thoughts ?
  2. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    just pmd ya
  3. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Thanks. I have a friend at Carolina Beach who his just had babys and my lil girl wants one soo bad . He said they were German , not sure what that is but his is very nice but she growls when someone knocks at the door and I guess my chow does that to just dosen't have the same affect .Which I guess ya never know what any dog will do . He said the father or mother has never bit anyone and my chow has bit before . She bit my ex on his arm he had to get 13 stitches . Although he did provoke her, she has never bit anyone other than him.
  4. pikapp691

    pikapp691 Well-Known Member

    I had a rottie before and he was an awesome dog. He weighed around 140 pounds. He was awesome around other dogs. I had him while I was in college and he would stay in a bathroom behind only a baby gate while I was in class. Never had any problems.
  5. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Awww behind a baby gate. 140 pounds ?
  6. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member


    I loved and still miss our Rotties! The trick is in the training:

    1. We petted ours as they ate as puppies...rubbed their ears, sometimes took the bowl and immediately returned it, etc. This prevented the food aggression.

    2. We learned not to play tug-of-war because it creates a win-lose situation. You must be the pack leader, and tug of war is too competitive.

    3. We did not train them to be guard dogs...they will naturally be protective and don't need the aggressive trait to be developed.

    We ended up with two lap dogs who weighed close to 100 lbs each! Our female, the oldest, lived for almost 14 years. She was very protective of me and the children. The first week of our oldest child's life was hilarious. She would get quite upset when he cried for more than 2 seconds because I was not responding quickly enough. Finally she realized he was not in danger!

    When someone tried breaking in our house, she got between me and the door, backed me into the wall, and was prepared to tear up anyone who got near me. She was never "trained" to do is in the nature of a herding dog.

    Our male died at 2-1/2 from lymphosarcoma. Our female died of cancer as well, it was lung that spread to the intestines or the reverse. Unfortunately, most Rotties are susceptible to doesn't mean they will get it, but it is a genetic predisposition.

    Rotties are wonderful around children if both are trained properly. Rotties are big, so they can knock over someone without meaning to. They are very playful too.

    German vs. American deal with the length of the nose and the breadth of the chest. German are usually stockier dogs with shorter noses, I think.
  7. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Personally I don't trust the German bred Rotts. American Bred and trained properly should be fine with kids. Not babies!!!
  8. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I keep my dog inside she is very well trained ( House broke) Did you have a hard time house breaking yours? I would also want another female no males. My chow has been fixed so will the new puppy when its old enough. If I get one.
  9. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Why not the German Rotts ?
  10. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    In my experience they have been to tempermental around kids. Real grouchy.
  11. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    The person I am thinking about getting one from he does train them hes not a breeder . He just bread this one . He offered to train her for me. My daughter is good with animals but I know it will be my job to do most the care giving . She has already picked out the one she wants and got to hold it to my suprise the momma dog was ok with it. My dog I already have is getting old and maynot be here much longer. As far as tieing it up aint gonna happen it would be a inside dog. I have just heard things about these dog turning on the owners for know reason and thats what has me a little skitish.To my lil girl this is going to be our new baby . lol
  12. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Wooaaahhhh wait a min. I don't have to cut its tail off right? The momma dog has not got a tail she has a nub back their. I couldn't have that done. Isn't that painful?
  13. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Yea probably right. I know everyone tells me that chows are bad but mine is sweet she has a passy. She has never messed in my house. The biggest problem I have with her is she walks between my daughters room and mine back and forth all night. well and she knows where her treats are and can open the cabinet and help herself. Ive moved them and it don't help she can either get to them or wines trying.
  14. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    This one was 3 weeks old when I seen it and it had no tail it was very small nub like her mom so he must had already had it done.
  15. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    I only have one brief comment - consider a male - two females, of breeds that are dominant- such as Rotties and Chows, can lead to dog-dog aggression. Just my opinion.
  16. southerngal39

    southerngal39 Well-Known Member

    I've had both 2 in all 1 american 1 german. Loved them all. All of mine were babies when I got them and basically grew up with my sons (best babysitter at times lol) My thoughts on them are is all in how they are raised if they are loved as one of the family they will be that way but if raised wrong to fight and such that will be that way.

    But I am a rottie lover too.

    Looking at getting another myself but want a puppy.
  17. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Yea thats my problem . I want a female . If I get one it would have to be a male cause my baby I have now she is 10 years old people years and she aint going no where. She loves puppys ( hates cats ) but loves puppys she isn't much on grown dogs the only one she was around was a female and she didn't wanna play nice.So I will have to think about a male . Which I plan on thinking about it a few weeks anyhow cause the owner will not send them to homes until they are 9 weeks old . Are males just as easy to train? I have this thought of him cocking the leg. I have only had female dogs both fixed as a child I had a German sheperd she died and I fell in love with the one I have now . Her original owners were gonna take her to be put down cause the momma wouldn't feed her she was 4 weeks old . I got her and fed her goats milk with a little bottle she never had health issues unlike what the vet said , he said it be better to put her down that the momma wouldn't feed her for a reason. So if I get one it will have to be a male cause I don't want her to suffer or be upset.
  18. ihaveaquestion

    ihaveaquestion Well-Known Member

  19. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Very true. This reminds me of my first day working for an animal shelter. I had worked for a church for a number of years, so this was a big change in itself.(I was used to calm, quiet, non swearing people) the behaviorist came in all flustered and said "You just cant put two bi----s together in the same room without them fighting." I was floored and thought she meant the staff. My jaw dropped and I made some stupid comment before I realized she truly meant two female dogs!!! So beware, even spayed they have tiffs.
  20. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    We have owned two female rotties in the last 13 years. The first one was purchased when she was about 4 years old. She was American full blooded and was very laid back and friendly but had been neglected somewhat and was not around children (not sure about other animals). She weighted about 90 lbs. She only lived to approx. age 7 due to hip displaysia. We had no children at that time but she was fine around family members children. A few years after that we got another female 8 wk old pup and she was full blooded German (very expensive). We raised her (outside only because I also have inside cats) from a pup but she didn't like children. She was about 6 years old when my first child was born and she didn't take well to him or any other child. No mater what we did she growled and barked at children and other dogs. She was never that way towards myself or my husband. She snapped at my son one time when he was about a year old and that was the last time he was allowed anywhere near her. We still loved the dog but I wasn't willing to take a chance. Keep in mind that German breeds can get larger than America. This dog was FEMALE and weighed 130! Sadly she only lived about 6 months after that due to untreatable intestinal cancer.

    My uncle ran a rottie rescue for 10 years and I have been around many of these dogs in all shapes and sizes and their personalities vary just like people.

    Our son is now 5 years old and we have no dogs. The reason why is my husband only wants a rottie and I said not until our child is at least 12-13 years old. I will NOT have another large breed dog of any type until our child is older. No offense to anyone who chooses to have one but that is what I decided based on previous experience.

    Just remember that rotties (like other large breeds) can have common health conditions due their size and I found them expensive to care for (vet bills, food, clean-up, etc) but they can still be good pets. Good luck with your choice.

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