Router connection goes off and on off and on

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by The Grinch, Dec 14, 2005.

  1. The Grinch

    The Grinch Well-Known Member

    I have a wireless network set up. 3 computers 1 linksys router. For some reason the router keeps 'refreshing' therefore causing me to loose the connections to whatever I am connected to at the time.

    I have checked my firewall settings, my 'my computer' network adapter settings, and gone into the linksys set-up but can not find where I can keep it from doing this. It happens about every 1-2 hours..........

    Help, it is driving me crazy!
  2. Romworks

    Romworks Well-Known Member

    When you are losing connection is at at just one specific PC or are all of them going down? If it is just one of the PC's then it could be a software problem on that PC (virus, spyware, configuration or might just need a tune-up). It could also be the wireless card in the PC or perhaps the location of the PC in relation to the wireless router.

    If it is happening on all the PC's then it could be the router. One thing you could try is to reset your network. Turn off all the PC's, the wireless router and the modem that your connection comes from. Wait about a minute and then turn your cable modem back on. Wait until it is fully started then turn on your wireless router. Wait 30 seconds and then turn on the connected PC's.

    Hope this helps or atleast gives some direction.

  3. scbuff

    scbuff Well-Known Member

    every once in a while, I have a problem with my connnectins constantly going up to down. The only way I could tell I was losing my connection was AOL IM was constantly trying to reconnect.

    Don't know what it could be besides some flaky RR equipment out there
  4. Quincy8Boy

    Quincy8Boy Well-Known Member

    I have the same problem, but it would only happen once or twice a day.

    I talked to the guys at Dockpoint and they gave some pointers (of what I can remember):

    -Make sure the IP address on your router and modem is not conflicting. Try giving your router a static IP address like or something.

    -Check and see what wireless frequency everybody else is around you and use an unused freq.

    -Make the router g-only if you're just using G.

    That's all I remember. I use Network Stumbler to check out wireless access points. Just remember it disables Microsoft's automatic wireless configuration when it is running.
  5. appcomm

    appcomm Well-Known Member

    When you have wireless network connections dropping, look around for wireless telephones operating in the area, or other devices operating on the 2.4Ghz frequency range (common for phones and routers). I've seen this conflict occur in more than one place.

    Turn off the phones (or other wireless devices) so they aren't operating and if your connection is stable, then you've found your problem.

    I had this occur most recently with one of those wireless video repeaters, used to send cable TV from the main location to other TV's in the house. When it was on, the wireless Linksys router would drop the connection constantly.
  6. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    I've found that problem in the past and this is where I found the most answers for the repair to that issue. This is a thread with a compiled list of fixes from different people so read them all before proceeding.
  7. The Grinch

    The Grinch Well-Known Member

    Rom - not a virus, I am too anal for that to happen, and I have a very small house router is only 20-30 feet from both pcs, yes they both go on and off at will, about every 2 hrs or so. Am guessing it somekind of refresh on the router, but when i sign into it I dont know what to change or what not to change, last time I changed something, I ended up having to hook the laptop directly to it to reconfigure, cuase whatever I did shut it all down.

    scbuff - yes, my im is what altered me to the problem, constantly on and off.

    QuincyB - I too have talked to dockpoint, but have not gotten that far with them. They have said that it may be a time out (refresh) timer that is set up in the router, but I have been unsuccessful when signing into the router to find that timer? They mentioned it would be under ??DHCP?? ....... If anyone knows where (linksys) I can find this to change the intervals, I would greatly appreciate the guidance!

    App - I don't have any other wireless 2.4ghz items in the house - only 2 cells phones, nextel and suncom and use them very near the computer, could those be cuasing it?

    ddrdan - when to that site and checked it out, will read up on it further to see if I can find a fix.

  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I have a question. Are your routers setup for DHCP from the ISP?? Or are they static?
  9. The Grinch

    The Grinch Well-Known Member


    Well I can't beleive I dont know the answer to this, is there a way to see that when I sign into the router? Or is there another way I need to find that out - do I need to ctc dockpoint for that answer?
  10. IncognitO

    IncognitO Well-Known Member

    it is probably pretty easy in the web config of your router. it is on the front page of my linksys WRT54G but a quick test would be
    • Go to Command prompt C:\
      type "ipconfig"
    if your IP address is something like you are getting an internal IP addres from your router.
    anything else, like means it is assigned from your ISP

    I used to have a similar problem on an old d-link 624 but I don't ahve any problems with my Linksys
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Here is my reason for asking. Usually the ISP assign a new address after so many days. I usually get a new one every week and I am on RR. In saying that. If you have it set for DHCP then the new address coming in will reset your connection. Ask your ISP for a static address instead of DHCP. On your configuration page for your router their should be an option for DHCP or Static from the ISP.
  12. The Grinch

    The Grinch Well-Known Member

    my linksys ip is 192.168....... so I assume that means an internal router IP?

    Mine goes up and down every hour or so.

    I have talked to dockpoint and they have insisted that its not their system reseting or reassigning, that it is in the configuration of my linksys wrt54g
    they say I need to change the value of the auto refresh, but I can not find where to do that.

  13. Quincy8Boy

    Quincy8Boy Well-Known Member

    I figure its all radio anyway. There's not much I can do.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Usually by default the ip address to your config page will If they insist it's not them tell them you want a static address. Which should be no problem for them. Then you will not have to wrry about refreshing anything. Your public address will be prolly a Class A address. It will definately not be a 192. That is your internal like you mentioned before.
  15. The Grinch

    The Grinch Well-Known Member

    found that my Linksys box is version 2.0 firmware, have downloaded version 6 and going to upg this weekend - hoping that resolves my on/off issue.

    Keeping my fingers crossed ..............
  16. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Update, Grinch, did it work?

  17. traveler

    traveler Well-Known Member

    .... oops :?
  18. The Grinch

    The Grinch Well-Known Member

    I had a few problems with the firmware update, but it finally took. I have had the new firmware loaded now since last Friday and the on/off of the router has subsided quite a bit, now only about 2 times daily.

    I have not yet played with the router internal settings, hope to do that htis weekend.

    Will give you an update once I have had a chance to see if a setting can be adjusted.


    Dang I am having a bad day!

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