Running Okra - another great addition to any garden

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Well, folks, I'm also growing RUNNING (or CLIMBING) OKRA for the first time!

    So, I thought I'd share my experiences with you.

    It's not actually an OKRA, but here's a good link:

    I got the seeds from some friends of mine in Georgia.

    As soon as I saw the seeds, I knew they weren't okra seeds, but more akin to squash or cuke seeds.

    The Mother Earth News link attests to that.

    The fruit is DELICIOUS!!! Straight off the vine!!! A sweet taste. White "meat" in the middle. Better eaten raw in the early stages when about 7 - 8 inches long as they are a little more tender.

    I haven't tried them in the kitchen yet, such as frying, etc.

    Of course, as you have surmised, I DO NOT USE ANY PESTICIDES on my plants since I'm eating them raw off the vine!!!

    I have gotten away from ANY commercial pesticides such as SEVIN dust/spray!!! BAD! BAD!! BAD!!!!

    SEVIN kills all the good insects, too, such as BEES!!!! YOU NEED BEES!!! They are your friends! Plus all the other good insects!

    I let nature get a nice balance and things work themselves out just fine.

    I have a good crop of LADY BUGS and PRAYING MANTIS in my garden that take care of the aphids, etc.

    But, the running okra seem to be essentially pest free.

    SO, do yourself a favor... START A GARDEN!!

    And, include some RUNNING OKRA!

    Here's 2 shots of my running okra. Very hardy vines. Gorgeous yellow flowers.


  2. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You are one awesome gardener. I am very envious.


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