1. Blessed are those who are too tired, too busy, or too distracted to spend time in corporate worship -- they are my best workers. 2. Blessed are those who wait to be asked and expect to be thanked. -- I can use them. 3. Blessed are the touchy who stop going to church -- they are my missionaries. 4. Blessed are the trouble makers -- they shall be called my children. 5. Blessed are the complainers -- I'm all ears to them. 6. Blessed are those who are bored or irked with the pastor's mannerisms and mistakes -- for they get nothing out of his sermons. 7. Blessed is the church member who expects to be invited to their own church -- for they are a part of the problem instead of the solution. 8. Blessed are those who gossip -- for they shall cause strife and divisions that please me. 9. Blessed are those who are easily offended -- for they will soon get angry and quit. 10. Blessed are those who do not give their offering to carry on God's work -- for they are my helpers. 11. Blessed are they who profess to love God but hate their brother and sister -- for they will be with me forever. 12. Blessed are you, who when you read this, think it is about other people and not yourself -- I've got you too! I initially joined 4042 to talk about gardening, but there's been alot of discussion concerning spiritual matters on this site, especially when it comes to C3, "cotton candy churches", different worship styles, etc., that has caught my eye and interest. I've been trying to catch up on the reading to get a good idea where some folks are coming from and that has been a challenge. I came across "Satan's Beatitudes" and thought it was a thought-provoking and interesting way to put things in comparison to the Sermon on the Mount and Matthew 5. Kent
I think I've read those before. Not sure how I feel about any comparison between the words of the Lord and the old serpent just to make a point, but I will say that it seems it should read, "Cursed is the..."