
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rockyv58, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Saw this on facebook and figured to post it here. Isn't she one of the pan handlers?

  2. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    I think so, with the sign "single mother of 2" or something.
    Rockyv58 likes this.
  3. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Appears to have have visited the Johnston County Sheriff's Dept on several occasions.
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  4. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Looks like she has grown and gained weight since the poster above lol.
  5. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Yes, a frequent flyer.
  6. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

  7. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Isn't she the one that has the sign that she has 4 kids? Cause I saw the one that has the 4 kids sign up by the Bojangles on Business 70 in Clayton across from the CVS. She was sitting in a lawn chair with an umbrella and her sign was laying up against her leg
  8. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    This is what happens when your legislature thinks arresting people for addictions is going to "rehabilitate" them. They're broke, they have fines and costs to pay if they even show up, and then they SURE as hell can't get a real job after a trip or 8 to the pokey. So in a way, you want to give to them, buy in another way, you never do, because you know where the money will go (hint - not school clothes).

    The adults are victims of themselves and the LE equivalent of predatory towing. The kids are SERIOUS victims because they suffer for NO reason beyond someone else's actions.

    The system has failed and this is the outcome. Rehabilitation is the answer, not jail. But the right choices are too complicated to worry about for some people in Raleigh, DC, and most other capitals
    Sherry A. likes this.
  9. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    Why not just lay it out for us lawnboy. Tell us how to help these addicts.
  10. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    Nah, I;d rather listen to people like you defend arresting them and spending tax money that doesn't exist to incarcerate them
    Sherry A. likes this.
  11. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    Just another liberal idiot talking out of your ars.
  12. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    On my way to work the other day I saw that one of the scammers standing in front of the Moe's Marathon had himself a new little puppy dog to play off of peoples heart strings. I know there is another scammer that has a papillon. If these people are truly homeless animal services needs to take the dogs from them just for the safety of the dogs. As well as the scammer with the 4 kids needs to have social services take her kids away from her. JMHO
  13. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I am kind of split on this, I agree with you on those who use this as a "selling tool" but I know a homeless old gentleman who other than his tent and bicycle only has his old pal that is his constant companion. And for some of these for some of these folks this might be all they have left.
    michelle, Rockyv58 and poppin cork like this.
  14. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    Animals, such as dogs, love unconditionally. Most of these people need love just as all humans do. For goodness sake, they need a companion and that's the best kind known to man, when he/she is down and out.
    michelle, Hught and Rockyv58 like this.
  15. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I don't think I have seen the homeless old gentleman who just has the tent and bicycle. Looking back at my post I think I should of been more specific and just talk about the scammers. Cause they are the ones using their dogs or kids as a marketing tool. And that is what irritates me.

    I totally agree that dogs give unconditional love. I have two of them myself. I get more love from them than a lot of people I have known (ex wife for example). Like I just said above I should of clarified my original statement to just the scammers using their dogs as a marketing ploy to get people just to hand over money to them.
  16. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    He lives in Fayetteville
  17. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Ran into a woman who told me how much it costs for her to take a shower while homeless. It is just shameful. I gave her the money to shower, don't care what anyone thinks about it.

    What's the matter with humankind? What has happened to empathy? I figure if I can afford to give $20.00 a month to someone who asks then it is okay. If that $20.00 does not go where I would spend it then it really wasn't given out of empathy. Scam or not....none of my business.

    I give because someone is asking for help, I can afford it and I don't believe people should be living without a shower, home, healthcare or food. I give because I want to do it. If I can pull over and give a dollar I do. Some are addicted and I hope they find help. Some just need something today. For goodness sakes.....give to people if you can.

    I was on Facebook the other day and saw a guy who needed $300.00 for a car registration to go for a job interview. He was selling his guitar for the money. He was a friend of a friend and I thought to myself how sad it was that he needed to sell his guitar so he could get his car registered to get to a job interview. I contacted my friend who told me that the guy has a heart condition and cancer and is really going for a job interview. I sent a private message to the guy that I would wire the $300.00 and he should "pay it forward" by money or a kind deed someday. He was beside himself. I wired the $300.00 the next day. He sent me a picture of the registration that day and went for his interview.

    I say all of this because I really believe we should help one another in one way or another. If someone is an addict there are organizations that will help at no cost. TROSA in Durham is one and the Delancey Street Foundation, which is located nationwide, is another. If anyone is interested in these organizations or others please PM me as I have a lot of knowledge with both of the organizations I have listed and others.

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
    PRM2 and Wayne Stollings like this.
  18. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Mother Theresa.
  19. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    No, just a hardworking American who understands what it is like to need a hand sometime.

    michelle and Hught like this.
  20. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    If people only knew how much help was being provided for those in need and how much too short that help was they would be shocked. The old joke about people mainly giving a helping hand at the holidays is true, the need is there year round and the help is not.

    My old partner never turned anyone away even when I was sure they were a scam. He would never give them money though. He would buy them gas or food if they wanted it. If they did not want gas or food he would let them go on. He is one of those people who left the ministry but the ministry never left them. He lives his life as his belief structure dictates and that is something few can say.
    PRM2, Hught and Sherry A. like this.

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