School Board Election Questions

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Melynda, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Recently I learned that 3 of our current school board members are leaving ... Kay Carroll, Jack O'Hale & Fred Bartholomew. I find this really worrisome because of all the changes the county is currently experiencing related to growth. I really believe our school board has done a great job with the hand they have been dealt. I believe it will be a tremendous blow to loose this many experienced board members during this time. In addition to the 3 vacant seats, Donna White's seat is up for re-election.

    I believe School Board members should be non-partisan individuals elected to make decisions based on available information at the time that would best serve all of the children, parents & and individuals within the Johnston County School system. I really would love to see a school board that was about the schools ... not about the political parties. I’m hoping that is a belief each of the individuals currently planning to run share also.

    I wanted to learn a little more about the current candidates ... this is all I’ve seen/been told so far …

    Peggy Smith - What I've been told is that she is a retired East Clayton Elementary Principal. If that were the case ... I would probably vote for her myself because I would assume that she is very familiar with the needs of the school system.

    Mike Wooten - I was told he is employed by Four Oaks Bank and is fairly well known in the Kenly, Clayton & Smithfield areas. I don't know this for certain ... so hopefully some of you can enlighten me ... but I've heard that he is one of those individuals who has always gone out of his way to help in the community & the school system ... you know .. one of those business individuals the PTA never hesitates to ask for help because they already know in advance that he would be willing to do what he could to assist.

    W. Landis Bullock - I was told that he owned his own business (not sure what the business is). I was told that he has always been involved with the school system volunteering with the PTA & Advisory Council & serving on the committee's dealing with the last bond issues.

    Donna White - Currently serving on the board.

    Keith Branch - Clayton Insurance agent whose position as Chamber President has kept him actively involved within the community.

    (Please let me know if any of this information is incorrect ... or if you can add anything to it)

    As I said before, overall, I’ve been very pleased with the job the folks on our current school board have done. There appeared to be some bickering between the members in that past that I felt was a little unnecessary … but hopefully that won’t be the case in the future. All of these folks are volunteers serving their community. Hopefully each of our present, past & future Board of Educations Members efforts are appreciated by the community .. and by one another. What I don’t ever want to see is our school board making national news because they couldn’t get along and make decisions for the good of all … rather than for the good of a particular area of the county, or for the good of a particular party. Because of all the growth taking place in our county … it just seems like a worrisome time to have so many school board members leave at one time.

    There are quite a few individuals regularly involved with the community & schools that I would love to see run for one of these seats (including a few regular 4042 posters) … Folks who I know are dedicated to making our schools the best. Unfortunately, so far I haven't I seen where any of the individuals I'm familiar with have filed to run. I hope all of those who have filed with the Board of Elections so far are committed to getting along with the other board members in the best interest of the county … not their political party. Is anyone familiar with the individuals who have filed to run so far? Do you think they would be able to work with the other board members to effectively make good decisions without being drawn into any political bickering matches?

    The filing period for the school board remains open through noon on Friday, February 29.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2008
  2. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    Very good Post. I am surprised to see Peggy Smith's name on the list because she just retired. But, she would be excellent. I will have do network on the other names.

    We are already in the national spotlight for decisions made last year so anyone we vote in will hopefully be able to jump in and make sure it does not happen again. You are absolutely correct that this is or should be non-partisan but who among us does not already have beliefs they think should be adhered too? Hopefully, we will find the right balance and I do appreciate you starting this Thread.

    It is a hard job with little thanks.

    Maybe Webmaster will put it as a Sticky for a little while so people can stay updated.

  3. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    Don't know who is registered what, but Larry Strickland, Donna White, Peggy Smith, and Keith Branch were all at the GOP meeting last Tuesday night trying to get the Johnston County GOP party to support them in the School Board race.

    After listening to all of them say the same old thing, almost made me go down and file!!! :lol:
  4. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I could be wrong - but I believe Larry Strickland, Donna White & Keith Branch are republicans ... but like I said earlier ... hopefully they are running for the good of the community ... not for the good of the Republican party.

    During the last election, I was a little put off by the website that was posted supposedly representing area parents ... I can't remember the name of the site - but the signs were posted around and the site did get a little publicity. I really disagreed with some of the messages on that website. The conflict surrounding the site & the last election were disheartening. I'd really love to see a Board committed to working together ... not tearing each other apart. There are too many real concerns that need to be dealt with to allow the board members' personal issues to get in the way.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2008
  5. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    I know Strickland and White are...Branch said he changed his registration from Democrat to Rep about 6 months ago. Not sure about Smith.
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    You'd get votes from C6 and me.

    FWIW, we see eye to eye on so many internal issues that affect the external ones.

    I'm one of those who believes that less can be more.

    The standard bell curve that I envision would likely look as so:

    If we break down the students into a standard bell curve, the top 15% are those kids who are intact, success driven, and who don't let many interruptions waylay their aspirations.

    The 70% of the standard curve who look to graduate and then take their place as taxpayers soon after graduation, perhaps some studies at JCC, or perhaps starting some employment prior to going to college.

    The remaining 15% are those students whose behavioral choices, i.e. ISS, out of school suspension, expulsion, or failing grades and little motivation to improve..or those who present behavioral challenges to the teacher, such that an inordinate amount of teaching time is spent dealing with these ne'er do wells. Let me reiterate that point. A significant amount of the available teaching resources are spent on these students, often with negligible ROI.

    It would be easy to figure the ROI for the 85% of students of our tax dollars, and the investment. Looking only at the micro view of this community, and not society at large, I don't believe that the ROI for the other 15% can be as easily quantified. Certainly, these kids have self worth and potential. I maintain though, that at this stage, they are so disengaged and will likely remain so, until they are faced with the crisis that propels them into mature decisions. To be sure, this process may be an evolved one, and for some, a lfelong process. I sympathize with them. I am not prepared to subsidize them until they reach their level of self actualization. To be sure, there are other social agencies that can be charged with this responsibility, if they are not currently so oriented.

    We know that the education dollars are in short supply, and it is nigh impossible to increase them in the short term. Given the imperative to extract as much as we can, it seems that we need to orient more of the resources towards those who will more probably return the investment.

    Less can be more.

  7. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    If my position were, to quote you, "Gods versus Clods", then wouldn't the distribution be 75% Gods, 25% middle, 0 to the Clods?

    I have the utmost respect for you. No doubt that the person you are, bears less resemblance to the lad you were. But, something happened in your past to make you see the changes necessary. If it happened while you were in school, then your epiphany was fortuitous. It seems to me that you would also have to examine the contribuitions of those whom you saw as a parental figure, then. If it was a teacher who filled that role, acting in loco parentis, then you were, no doubt, the beneficiary of a teacher who was dedicatd to children, as most teachers are. No doubt, the contribution he or she made, was made at a time when teachers were better supported by the social and political structure than teachers are now.

    Part of my beef with NCLB is that it holds schools accountable, justifiably, but there is no measurement that holds parents accountable. And, there can be no argument that a parent, or other person acting in loco parentis affects the child's outcome, either positively or negatively.

    I hear often that my political side is usually being accused of always wanting to throw more money and more money at social issues, without accountability.

    I would say two things: (1) That's not always correct. (2) It's long past time that people put on their parent hats and "cowboy up" to the responsibility they share in the chid's education. It's more than paying taxes.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2008
  8. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    I thought for sure that this discussion would have been somewhat more popular, with our usual suspects chiming in. To think that the R/L thread got so many pages in so few days.

    I have tremendous respect for the logic and knowledge espoused on this board.

    Certainly, this topic should engender more interest.
  9. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    I'm interested!!! I do want to hear more about the candidates, I don't care about their political affiliations, just about them.

    On that note, H6 I nominate you!
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the vote of confidence. I believe that I have already burned bridges of those whose support I would need. I might consider it, but would need to "poll" some numbers. Thought I'd begin with this board. Yea or Nay, folks? You don't have to give a reason why.

    Profile....Conservative Dem, who thinks that public $upport should be judged by the results it renders. Proud product of NC public schooling. B.S. degree in Economics. Veteran. Success in both government and private sector. Small business owner. Substitute teacher in Florida and NC. Currently sub teach for Clayton HS and WJHS, on PRN basis. Author, editor, publisher. Believe in transparency and accountability. Not looking to springboard to any other political office. Married. Spouse teaches for JoCo. DD attends public school here.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2008
  11. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Go for it...maybe you and SR could be the first candidates that the 4042 forum drafts!!
  12. bbfan

    bbfan Guest

    I am all for anyone that won't be a yes man to Dr. Parker. Donna White and Larry Strickland have stood up for what they believe whether it was popular with Dr. Parker or not. The rest just seem to do what ever he asked, even giving him a hefty raise twice. I am not saying he doesn't have some good ideas, but I do not believe he should have already gotten another contract extension and raise. Poll the staff of JCS and you would probably see a majority in favor of him finding greener pastures elswhere. Hatteras- I say run. I mostly just read and do not post often, but I usually agree with quite a bit of what you say. I would put myself in the conservative Dem camp as well.
  13. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    It has long been a frustration of classroom teachers everywhere not to have parental support -- so what are your solutions to make this happen --
    and you suggest that there should be alternative organizations/agencies to deal with the children you deem as the bottom 15% -- which ones??

    As a state, the mental health situation is deplorable -- as a society we should know by now the penal system is not the solution --

    It is true there are parents who have failed miserably -- and the kids are penalized in so many ways for the failures of their parents -- what do you suggest?
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2008
  14. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    My sentiments exactly. I hate to see Kay Carroll leave, but Donna and Larry are both assets to this county. It's beyond time to see Fred (Parker's yes man) leave.

    Hat6, you'd make a great board member. Wish I had the time/inclination, or I might would even consider running myself.
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Hat - I agree with you completely on your NCLB stance, and you get a Hell Yay from me. :)
  16. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    I do have a response to your questions. I appreciate your asking the tough ones. There will always be a constraint based decision on how, where, and when to place public funding.

    Prior to posting here, I am wondering if this topic wouldn't be better served in the Neighborhood, so that those of us with enough vested interest to register can engage.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2008
  17. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I'm glad to see this topic isn't dead yet :) I really want to learn as much as I can about the candidates (hopefully Hatteras will be included in that group soon). The folks on this board will be responsible for making huge decisions concerning our kids education ... so I really want to make sure we choose the right people.
  18. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    I appreciate the support Hat6, but you know I wouldn't fit in at the meetings...I only wear ties to funerals and weddings!!!
  19. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    It doesn't take a suit & tie to do a good job. You should go for it too :)
  20. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    I have read through this particular thread up to this point. I see that the original poster, Melynda, has commented more than once about the desire of learning more about each of the candidates who will be running for the Board of Education. In years past, several years past, the local PTA's would host Forums and invite all of the candidates to speak briefly about themselves, sort of introduce themselves to the audience, and then take questions from those in the audience. You might contact your local elementary and middle schools and see if their PTA's are considering hosting such events. With the quantity of elementary and middle schools between McGee's Xrds, Cleveland, Polenta, and the Clayton area, those candidates could stay busy up through the Primary.

    Back when my children were in school in the Cleveland Area, I and other parents strongly encouraged our PTA to be actively involved in the political process which affected the school system. We hosted successful Forums.

    Those of you who are sincere in wanting to learn more about the candidates, I strongly encourage you to contact local PTA Presidents and Board Members.

    Just in case it wasn't clear, these Forums were opened to the entire public, not just the parents of students attending the school. Our PTA was simply the host who organized the event and pulled it off.

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