School Districts

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by brea7347, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    So, as we are looking for land to buy, it's looking like we will need to expand our horizons, so to speak, in order to find what we want at a price we can afford. I especially love some of the places on the house thread that Ready has found on Craigslist. So, as we go further out we are ending up looking in other counties.

    The only school districts that I know anything about are Wake and Johnston. Does anyone have experience with Chatham County schools in particular? Or others that border Wake County? I know I can look up scores and that sort of thing, but I'm looking for actual experience from a parent's point of view. Thanks a bunch for any help you can send my way!
  2. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    Harnett County. This is a beautiful place some very quaint little towns. Great People in most of the area. When you go out further towards Fayettville though is becomes more of a transieint area.

    Schools are pretty good from what I have heard from teachers that I know that work in the area. Anyway try it out. Dunn is my favorite place & Linden is great also.
  3. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I have a friend who recently built a house in Chatham county, near Lake Jordan. She is a 2nd grade teacher and is now teaching at Moncure Elementary, where her 3 kids attend. It's a very small school and she's happy with it. I don't know anything about the middle or high schools in the area though and my friend's oldest won't be there until year after next. Hope this helps and best wishes to you with your hunt. :)

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