School Gardens?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Solak, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. Solak

    Solak Member

    Do any of our local schools have an on premises school garden that the students tend to? If so, I'd like to nominate them for a giveaway from a Facebook/online company I've known for several years. They have done their giveaways now for several years, and at the end of this year's giveaway, will have supported 300 different school gardens.

    The Seed Keeper Company
    Nominate a K-12 school garden on this post in "comments" for Week 4 of the Seed Keeper Project!! One school in each state in the photo below will be awarded our Seed Keeper Home Farmer seed organizer kit, Seeds of the Month Club from Mike Podlesny of Vegetable Gardening and Garden-pedia The Book by Pamela Bennett & Maria Zampini of UpShoot, LLC. Nominations end Friday, 2/26, at midnight. Please share this post and help us support school gardens - Thank You!!
    Auxie likes this.

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