Me too - I still have not gotten it straight - Esp. for ELEM School CARPOOL??!? AUGH!!! Is it that time already!
I think I found it, I searched on school start times on here and found this link. bus schedule.pdf I'll email it to you too!........:mrgreen:
Polenta Info Here's a link for the start/depart time info for Polenta elementary: Here's a link for the start/depart times for Cleveland elementary: I know I'm going to call the school to make sure nothing's changed
West View Elementary has it posted on their main page, just posted 2 weeks ago, so I know it's current... Doors open @ 8:20 Tardy bell @ 8:50 Dismissal @ 3:55 Carpool begins @ 3:50 (I'm thinking it should read dismissal at 3:45? does carpool start before dismissal?)
Does anyone know where I can find the bus schedules for Dixon Rd Elementary or is it too early yet? Thanks!
I am pretty sure the "dismissal" is when the bell actually rings and buses start to load (if they are there, yet). Historically, carpool gets to start a few minutes before the last bell rings.
OMG I'm glad my kids don't go to McGee's anymore! They weren't getting home until almost 5pm by bus when they got out at 3:15, I can only imagine how late they would get home now! Yikes!
I'm guessing it's the same with all middle, but this is from Clayton Middle. Last year it was 7:15, with the Tardy bell ringing 10-15 mins. later, so I'm guessing it will be 7:35. 2008-2009 School Schedule 7:50 am Tardy Bell 3:10 pm Bus Riders Dismissed 3:13 pm Car Riders & Walkers Dismissed Hey Polenta...I'm good, been on vacation. How are you?
Cleveland middle's web site says no child can be dropped off before 7:45. And their bell schedule says 8:00 first bell, 8:05 tardy bell. I really hope this is wrong.
Thanks Kellbell for the information. This is our first year with public school and did not know what to expect. Unfortunately, we will be out of town that week but I do have an appt on the 11th to register my daughter. Maybe they will have it then or can mail it to me. Anyway, thanks again!
Parents remember vaccines are needed for rising Middle and HS students this year before school starts.
Does anyone know why Johnston County schools have a 7 hour day when Wake County has 6.5 hours. From my understanding the state law requires 1000 hours over 180 days. Even if you subtract lunch time and the few early release days Johnston County is still way more the 1000 hours.
FYI: West View has finally posted the orientation dates and times on their website: August 21st. Times are different according to grade.